Whats your Favorite Fish kept

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Blonde Naso...ah yes, they are peaceful. Plan on getting one of those eventually.
Erm, I'd say he's put on a half inch in the past 2 months, but he put on 1 inch of streamers too. So maybe it was a juvi to adult growth spurt?
As far as personality, I'd say my bicolor blenny. He used to mimic one of our clowns, even tried hanging out in the anemone. Now he/she just purches on the corals and watches us with a very inquisitive look. It used to bite me though when I'd get too close to it working on the tank and I didn't like that.

As far as looks and second for personality is our emperor angel. He's very pretty and the king of the tank. My husband hand feeds him, so he's very people friendly and will swim right up to the glass when we approach our tank or right up to our hands when we maintenance the tank. He also grunts when he's showing the sailfin tang who's boss.
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I just call him a male. I'm not sure if it really is though. I thought the streamer was an indication of male vs female, but recently read that the streamer is more of an indication of where the emperor angel came from and I forget where... Seems manly to me though. :)
My favorite ever was our radiata lionfish - so beautiful and graceful to watch. Out of the fish we have now, the rusty angelfish has personality & beautiful coloring, especially the blue at the end of his tail. He tries to rule the tank but mallory, our gsm clown & sid, a squareback anthias are the bosses.
My fav is Alaskan Salmon, well seasoned with garlic salt and kept in a broiler for half an hour, then a dab of sour cream goes on top. YUM!

Oh wait, I think I miss understood. OK for reallies, my Tail Spot Blenny. This guy is very chill and filled with great personality plus he's from the Philippines just like me. If he were human, we would probably be cousins.

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Mine would have to be my two pearly jawfish....I loved watching them build there home and tending to it all the time and they way they peak out of the hole to see if there is anything there, if nothings there they will come out a little bit then swim backward back into their hole. They always know when it is feeding time. They are so funny......They are definitely my favorite......
My moorish idol and my regal tang, both i hand feed and the regal goes nuts for food. Both been to hell and back a few times due to careless mistakes on my behalf. They are very entertaining to watch!
I have hand feed my yellow tang and my cleaner shrimp wont stay off of my hand every time I put it in the tank!! LOL
My fav is Alaskan Salmon, well seasoned with garlic salt and kept in a broiler for half an hour, then a dab of sour cream goes on top. YUM!


I would say Blue Spotted Jawfish, the down side is I have to keep my tank colder them most fish like it to keep the blue spotted jawfish from getting sick

My second are Larger Angel fish but they are not reef friendly so I no longer keep them
I used to commercial fish (troll) for salmon in south east alaska for three different summers!!!
Good stuff when You pull one on deck, gill and gut it, and throw it in the oven!!
Doesn't get better than that!
OF take a king salmon SEAK aproxx 1 1/2" thick and but progresso bread crums on it the put it in a cast iron frying pan on each side for three minutes! MELTS IN YOUR MOUTH!!!!

My fav fish so far is my yellow tang!
he come to the glass when I cme up to it and always gets in the way of pics!!!LOL