What's Your Filtration?

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What's Your Filtration?

  • Sand and Live Rock Only

    Votes: 1 0.6%
  • Sand, LR, Fuge and/or ATS

    Votes: 11 6.5%
  • Sand, LR, Skimmer, and/or Carbon

    Votes: 38 22.4%
  • Sand, LR, Skimmer, Fuge and/or ATS

    Votes: 27 15.9%
  • Sand, LR, Skimmer, Fuge and/or ATS, Carbon

    Votes: 23 13.5%
  • Live Rock, Skimmer, and/or Carbon

    Votes: 25 14.7%
  • LR, Skimmer, Fuge and/or ATS

    Votes: 10 5.9%
  • LR, Skimmer, Fuge and/or ATS, Carbon

    Votes: 13 7.6%
  • Combo above plus Wet Dry

    Votes: 11 6.5%
  • Other (add below)

    Votes: 11 6.5%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
Jan 25, 2004
I had a recent request for a new poll on filtration. What is your method for filtration on your tank? If your option is not posted in the poll, please vote for "Other" and add below (I can only have so many options). If you are feeling extra ambitious :D, please add what you have in your fuge (mud, sand, lr, algaes), how deep your sand is, and how many pounds of live rock vs. tank volume you have.
That's because it took me awhile to type them out :p. I decided to toss ATS and carbon into the mix, so I had to correct my options.

ATS means algal turf scrubber.
"Sand, LR, Skimmer, Fuge, and Carbon"

1.4 lbs rock/gal
3" sand bed in display
occassional carbon
chaeto in BB fuge
..plus a Polyfilter 24/7
LR, SSB, Berlin skimmer (Will be an ASM G3 in 3 days), Fuge w/ LR & Chaeto (adding sand to it soon) and carbon. I also use some Kent Phosphate sponge from time to time.
"me siphoning and blowing wast, is this a good idea?"
I get this mental image of myself with a long straw in my mouth (like a crazy straw, lots of bends and loops) sucking out fish um...stuff with a smile and crazy eyes.
About 70 pounds LR, 2" of sand in display. BB fuge with rock rubble and chaeto and a few little xenia. The fuge had sand in it, started looking nasty do to the low flow so i took it out. Oh yeah got carbon!?!?! Almost forgot the ASM G1X w/ recirc. mod. direct fed from overflow
Sand, LR, Skimmer, Carbon and Phosban in seperate TLF reactors. (24/7)

I also stir the top 1/2" of sand with the siphon when I do water changes.

Learning as I go, so far so good!
daytonaconnecti said:
lr skimmer, me siphoning and blowing wast, is this a good idea?

Bill there is nothing wrong with the way you are doing it. As long as the detritus isn't collecting on the bottom, and it is making its way to your skimmer. You also don't want detritus collecting in the sump, so be sure to siphon it out of there, as well. Something you can add if you want, is a filter sock on the drains to your sump. You can put one on when you blast the rocks, and allow it to catch all the detritus you knocked free off the LR. This is another item you don't want to leave on more than a day or so, as the detritus will start to break down, so use it, then remove it to clean. Some people change out their filter socks every few days. Others use them only when blasting rock.

Hope this helps
Then what you have to do is make sure the flow in your system kicks the detritus up into the water column and towards the skimmer. When you do water changes try your best to get all the detritus piles and go ahead and siphon on the rocks, too. If you ever feel like running carbon, you can get a hang on for it. Also, depending on your skimmer, you might be able to get a surface skim box, that helps to skim off that top most layer of water.
Sorry....late in the morning...can someone remind me what ATS stands for ?!?

Automatic something?

- Ilham
ATS stands for algal turf scrubber. Oops - I guess I forgot to write that in my first post. edit: OK - it was in the second post :oops:. Sorry if that confused anyone!