What's your worse tank related flood??

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Mar 17, 2004
Columbus, OH
While trying to get everything tweaked on my 90g tank, my husband and I spilled about 10g of water on our hard wood floors... I just can't seem to work on any of my tanks w/o getting water on the floor. :rolleyes: It gets aggravating sometimes but now I HAVE to work on the tanks with a plastic tarp on the floor. Our whole house is practically hard wood...

Share your worst tank flood with us! :)
70 Gallons from an overflowing skimmer with a pinched air intake... luckily my tank sits in my garage and I just had to do some mopping and pump 70gal of replacement water back into the tank :)
Not one of my own tanks but the LFS I worked at in high school had a 55 FOWLR tank explode for some unknown reason. It had been setup for many years and one day the whole front went kaboom. Luckily we had enough other tanks that we could grab all the fish and throw them somewhere else for a while.The water wasn't as much a problem as the broken glass. We all still wonder what happened............
My own tanks, I have never had a flood of more than a quart or two (much to the delight of my wife). I just pray that it stays that way.

I had a POS ETSS reef devil deluxe. It would go days/weeks without skimming a thing. (I had a decent bioload at the time to) Toward the end of its days it would suddenly kick in and overflow all over the place. It was externally mounted and would dump 20 gallons or so on the floor. It was always in the middle of the night. I would have to clean the main floor and the basement because it would leak through the floor. The water ruined a bunch of stuff. It only had to do it twice before going into retirement. Needless to say I now own a MRC that blows the RD out of the water.

Ugh, I had a Reef Devil 3... you're right: total POS. It wouldn't skim properly to save it's life and would always overflow. Luckily I always caught it in time. Worst $300 I ever spent.
so far the biggest saltwater is a few gallons but my daughters fw had an airline tube come off in the tank and siphoned about 20 gallons onto the main floor and soaked thru and ran out the ceiling downstairs!
My husband complains that our house is like breathing ocean air every day ;) I think he's getting a little peeved at water on the floor, so I'm gonna have to be more careful these days. Fortunately the SW didn't ruin the wood because we got it up so quickly.

What sort of floors do y'all have your tanks on??

My tanks are both on hardwood, but in Seattle it was over carpet and really ruined it... oops... ;)
About 30 gallons from being stupid and playing with plumbing without much knowledge of what I was doing...
My 180 glass tank blew out the bottom pain of glass, luckely we had a peice of foam underneath it which held it somewhat together while we got it drained. You guys should of seen my buddies face when he walked into the fish room seeing a stream of water squirting about 4ft in the air.
I have to be extremely careful not to get any water on our carpet to avoid wife hostilities (she does like the tank, just not the maintenance it takes). I usually put lids on buckets as I carry them to and from the mixing tank (about 20 feet away) and I put a layer of 2 towels on the floor all the way around the tank before I do anything in it (other than feeding). My sump can take more than all the water that would overflow should my pump stop. My only big scare is if my overflow were to lose siphon somehow I would get about 1-3 gallons on the floor out the top of the tank. Is this excessive worrying?:oops: . I guess none of this is too unusuall but no floods yet. I am sure that I am not the only person who, upon hearing a noise in the house in the middle of the night, immediately goes running towards the tank to see what is wrong. :)
My worst flood yet was that last big wind storm we had. My 125 cube would overflow the sump by about two gallons when the power went out (check valves are cool :lol: ) but little did I know that when I changed around the full length stealth overflow ( 36" ) it had broken loose on the bottom. so when the power went out overnight, I had 127 gallons of water sitting around in the basement. ( took out the stand pipes and just let the water fall- oooops). ( plus the 2 or 3 gallons out of the other tanks ). I'm glad it was at the other shop in Bremerton and the basement was all ready in rough shape. The whole place smelled like a mud flat for a week.
My worst flood also involved a great try for a Darwin award, I decided to do a mod on my 29 gal plex sump without draining it with an electric jigsaw (110v of course, not a battery one), it somehow "grabbed" the plex, next thing I knew the front of the sump tank fractured out, not only did 20 gallons of water instantly dump on the living room floor due to my stupidity, I also got a nice shock in the bargain. Since I can't think of any way to make myself smarter, I have since invested in a wet/dry vac.
Slickdonkey said:
Worst $300 I ever spent.
I agree or maybe it was my canopy. I guess its a horse a piece.

More Floods, More Floods!!! (Gaby we know you've had one):lol:
Let Gabby tell you guys of her floods! She's got the record! I think she has more days of floods than days without:p
Tank Related Flood... where do I begin?

My worst was I had a "stand malfunction" where the hardware was made of inferior... saltwater and metal don't mix? You're kidding!?!?

It all started 4 months ago with me returning home and being greeted by the apartment maintenece man outside my apartment door. "do you have any water damage in your apartment?" he asked. "not that I am aware of..." I replied as I opened the door and took a look at my aquarium. It was listing to one side like the titanic in it's death throes. Water was gently streaming over the side like a beautiful cascading waterfall. (not so much). Expletives were spewed from my mouth and we both dashed to grab some buckets to start unloading the aquarium. As soon as we started, the stand collapsed,dropping my 90 gallon aquarium, crushing my 75 gallon sump, skimmer... well all the goodies under the aquarium and all but about 15 gallons of water, a purple goniopora, two percs, LMB and banded coral shrimp... all else was lost at the time or later on as a result of the crash.

Now I have a crappy 55 gallon with no sump and a remora pro skimmer.

Enough of my drama,