when to do a w/c

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So you run carbon 24/7? If so how often do you change it?

I change it out like once per month. It's not a huge amount I run. I usually pull it out every other week to re adjust it and move it all around in the bag, as well as to rinse out any crap that's lodged in it.
it all depends on your tank size, (the small, the more frequent, the less costly they are) stock (heavy or light), equipment, and what I think is the most important factor is you sump design, does it allow a place for detritus to collect for easy removal. I do 15-20 percent every 2 weeks.
Another question....
Can i make up lost time and just do larger w/c s ???? I know i can go four months and than change out 40-60%.... lets say a guy never did a w/c. Would u advise he even attempt one? wouldnt a 100% w/c b bad and crash the tank maybe. How would a sump set up with a skimmer look like if u change water every 8months at 80%.
There deff is a balance between how much, when, and why. I would like to see some genius, engineer, brain mathmatician or someone come up with a basic % of water volume to change after adding a few variables to the equation.
I know RC has calculators but an equation with variables would be more better imo lol.

Btw did 40g ish w/c s yesterday on my 75 and 120g dts.
Im gonna try and do this every two to three months.....if not more.
Carbon should be changed once or every other month. Chemi pure is a good product. Id look into bio pellet reactors and phophate reactors. Carbon gets costly and isnt great without an actual reactor itself anyways imo.
Anyone know anything about redox? Something to do with ozone and when the extra oxygen is actually released to make the o3....hmmmm redox is something im off to look at. Maybe a number rating of ur water would tell u when to do a w/c.
I dont know if im making sense cuz i just woke up and im rambling lol.
Anyways i need more info and research.... we all should have been biologists!
Carbon should be changed once or every other month. Chemi pure is a good product. Id look into bio pellet reactors and phophate reactors. Carbon gets costly and isnt great without an actual reactor itself anyways imo.

carbon should be changed much sooner than once a month.
I've read many times on this forum and others that it should be changed atleast every week or sooner.
carbon should be changed much sooner than once a month.
I've read many times on this forum and others that it should be changed atleast every week or sooner.

I agree entirely. Even in a spotless tank, it either becomes saturated or coated much quicker. Running it longer turns it into a biological canister filter.
Anyone know anything about redox? Something to do with ozone and when the extra oxygen is actually released to make the o3....hmmmm redox is something im off to look at. Maybe a number rating of ur water would tell u when to do a w/c.
I dont know if im making sense cuz i just woke up and im rambling lol.
Anyways i need more info and research.... we all should have been biologists!

I would not recommend using redox as a water health measurment. It is inversely affected by pH, and thus changes frequently. It is used mostly for controlling Ozone output, which is a very advanced and rarely needed system.
So more w/cs at lil volumes.
Im just saying it would b nice to have a measurement of some sort like redox for a simple thing like the need of a w/c instead of running a series of eight or so tests. Knowing theres way more elements probly in my water i should b more concerned with.
Im not anal or ocd or anything but id like know more about my sw...
Good to know about the carbon.
I dont use filter socks but sponges in baffles.
Ive found a dark sump is better and bio pellets work.
Macro and fuges r good for bio diversity but i think just lr and a dsb will do.
Anyways. So more lil w/c s and balance all...
The best judge of water quality will always be the condition of your fish and corals. Stability and maturity are is the keys.

So more w/cs at lil volumes.
Im just saying it would b nice to have a measurement of some sort like redox for a simple thing like the need of a w/c instead of running a series of eight or so tests. . .
Im gonna try and do this every two to three months.....if not more.

If you really do decide to go this route, I'd like to make a suggestion.
Don't just suddenly stop doing the water changes for 3 months.
Acclimate your tank into that kind of routine. See how it adjusts.

Haven't seen you actually post what your schedule is, but start out going a week or 2 longer and stay there for a few months, then move it out another week or so.
Personally I think you will get to a point where you will find bad things happening.
Constant and regular water changes has always been my routine for well over 20 years. I didn't get real regular until I started keeping corals and saw how a fresh batch of saltwater would perk up the corals.
Ive never really been a scheduled w/c person. Is that bad? My coral and fish seem fine.
Ive been trying to slow down on feeding. Im a heavy feeder. Once a day when i eat dinner or dinner time or watever. Anyways ive been feeding every other day or cpl days.
I do notice a nice perk in my lps and my nem after doing those w/cs yesterday.
Im trying lol to get into the world of stick coral without killing my wallet and the species lol.
Thxs for the comments everyone
The best judge of water quality will always be the condition of your fish and corals. Stability and maturity are is the keys.

Everyone has their own way of doing things, That's what makes this Hobby so Unique. Every system is different , But , They all need the same things to Thrive. I personally do a water change every week. I don't dose a thing and my corals Thrive. With that being said, I only have a total of 40 gallons between my 2 tanks.
When I had a Larger system, I could do bi- weekly water changes with no ill effects.
Bottom line is you need to learn What Your System needs, Not what others do or think you should do.

We all share 1 common goal, to maintain a Healthy stable environment for our animals to live!
Devin, great thread and will now join in with my experience and schedule. Currently am getting back to monthly WC's but for last year plus was every 3-4 months in my very high bio-load system with heavy feedings 2-4x daily. Partly an experiment to see if it was practical way to maintain a Reeftank. My nutrient export is oversized Skimmer, large refugium, Ozone generator and huge coral population for size of system. Excessive nutrients were never an issue but, calcium, alk, Magnesium and Iodine levels were beginning to be very hard to keep up with. In previous systems was pretty consistent with 15-20% WC'S monthly for over 25 years so back to monthly for now but was cool to see that it can be successfully done otherwise with adequate dosing. As said a very cool thread topic and interesting to read everyone's input.

Cheers, Todd