Where to buy dendrophyllia ?

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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2005
Does anyone have these in there tanks or know where to get them , this coral looks exactly like sun coral only the polyps stay open during the day so there easyier to feed than sun coral .
Guess know one has seen or heard of it ? I saw it on a reef central board It looked great .
It would be nice (serioulsy... good/supportive hobbyist) if you'd simply contact your local or regional LFS and give them a chance to special order it for you. They are imported to the West coast where your retailers buy them from.
Nemo415 said:
Does anyone have these in there tanks or know where to get them , this coral looks exactly like sun coral only the polyps stay open during the day so there easyier to feed than sun coral .

I may be wrong here and please someone correct me if I am, but sun corals are not photosynthetic corals. They could care less whether it is night or day. I had a large colony that did very well for along while and their polyps where out when there was something to eat. It is as if they could smell the fish food before it hit the water because the polyps would come out within 10 sec. and be out for 1-2 hours afterwards. Sometimes they would be open without feeding for hours too. I never fed it in particulr, but it got tons of stuff fromt he water column. I suspect the dendrophylia are pretty mucht he same, except without the ridiculous aquadesignz's price of $1200 per polyp LOL.................. :D :lol: :D
I don't think its really a matter of the Turbastrea not caring either way. Its the Turbastrea's food source. In an established reef tank(over a year) you will see a lot more micro inverts out at night rather than the day. This stimulation causes the Turbastrea's polyps to open and feed on the oranisms swimming around. I have witnessed this activity with photosynthetic corals as well. If you were to take a turkey baster and give each head of the colony a minute puff of food at any portion of the day you should be able to come back thirty minutes later to see your Turbastrea just as open as it was at night.
There's a dendro right now for sale on aquabid.com the price is like $10 plus shipping or something like that. I'd buy it but I dont have the tank up and running yet for it and I sold my other tank that it could go into =(