Which Canister Filter

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Well-known member
Dec 21, 2009
Pullman, Olympia
Hello, I am new here but have been looking for a while. I am starting a saltwater FO at first then convert to FOWLR. My tank is not drilled and I dont have the money to set up a wet/dry. But I want to get a start on things and want know what a good canister filter is. Have about 200 hundred to spend gove or take. What about Fluval, Eheim, Cascade, or Rena. Cascade is cheap and I am sure it doesnt work to great. Thanks for the help.
You would be better off with just live rock and a hang on the back protein skimmer. I don't think anyone recomends the use of cannister filters because they trap nitrates in them.


I was in your place once. I would highly advise against the canister filter. I have a Rena Filstar XP3 sitting not being used at my apt. They tend to trap nitrates, and can be more of a nuisance than a help, especially if you "forget" about the filter and never change it :(

I second the LR with a good HOB skimmer. What size tank do you have? I bought an Octopus BH 300-F and I LOVE it! Great skimmer, I got it for I think it was about $170 shipped. A great skimmer is the BEST purchase you can ever make for your aquarium, so I wouldn't skimp on one...buy a good one, and you'll never have to look back!
Thanks, I have a 72 gallon. Even starting the tank up you would only want to run the protein skimmer.? What about the Toms Aquatic overflow with canister and skimmer.? Thanks.
+3 for ditch the cannister and get a decent skimmer, + live rock.

just forget about cannister filters with saltwater...

for 75g, I would really seriously look at doing a cheap rubbermaid/used glass tank sump vs. hang on the back gear.
you can get in sump skimmers that are double the power for the same price as a hob skimmer.
this forum is going to be your savior you can find just about everything your looking for in the for sale forums i know you have to wait to post its a new rule and it kinda sucks but i couldnt be in this hobby if it where not for some of these guys i second a small tank for sump and live rock and a skimmer you can easily get that done with your price range
They are right let this forum guide your decisions, of course its your decision, just inputting.

IMO ditch the canister idea you can always look into sumps/refugiums.

An overflow box, return pump, and a do it yourself sump if all found in the right place such as here could very well be cheaper than a canister.
They are right let this forum guide your decisions, of course its your decision, just inputting.

IMO ditch the canister idea you can always look into sumps/refugiums.

An overflow box, return pump, and a do it yourself sump if all found in the right place such as here could very well be cheaper than a canister.

I just set up a tank, so am a bit new. Everything I've heard is canisters are bad. You can make a pretty cheap sump if you want out of small rubbermaid containers. This would also allow for expansion by adding a refugium later if you are so inclined.

I scored some free plexiglass and made a sump out of a 50 gallon breeder I got for 50 bucks. Plumbing still ended up costing some time and maybe a hundred bucks, but you could plumb it cheaper if you wanted too. It takes a bit of time, but is a lot of fun.
