Which is the best star for DSB?

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Italian Reefkeeper
Nov 3, 2005
which is the best sea star for DSB? I need to move and to clean the sand.
Thanks in advanced ;)
I believe you are thinking of the sand sifting star, which you actually want to avoid in a DSB. It will consume the beneficial fauna in your sand and once this is gone it will starve.

Instead, get some nassarius snails. They love to burrow and will stir up your sand bed without harming the critters it contains.
= is what you want

i've heard people say you need a sand bed in a 180g+ to have a regular sand sifting star survive in your sand for a more natural lifespan.
all sea stars used for aquarium DSBs (such as the so-called white linkia) starve to death. No home-sized aquarium has enough sand to keep them alive for more than a meager year or two usually

The Strombus maculatus snails or some Nassarius are a far better choice.
What about the Cerith Snails for a DSB?

How many Nassarius do you recommend for a 210g 7"DSB (oolite)?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but dont Brittle Starfish live for a long time in home aquariums? My buddy has one in his 75gallon for a few years now and its the size of the bottom of a 5 gallon bucket.
They(brittle stars) live a long time in home aquariums because they don't sift sand. They are scavengers and eat leftovers that fish leave behind. And as long as you feed your fish there will be food for them to eat.
They(brittle stars) live a long time in home aquariums because they don't sift sand. They are scavengers and eat leftovers that fish leave behind. And as long as you feed your fish there will be food for them to eat.

ahh.. I read you loud and clear..;)

I have had a sand sifting star in my 50 reef with a 1" sand bed for over 4 years. He seems pretty content. Just my .02. Jason
I love these guys, they are interesting to watch and live the longest in my tank. I also have a diamond goby that kicks butt at cleaning the sand.

= is what you want

i've heard people say you need a sand bed in a 180g+ to have a regular sand sifting star survive in your sand for a more natural lifespan.
Well this thread was started last yr but heres my 2 cents.

Well whats the depth of your SB?
Sand sifting stars only sift the surface and whene they get big enough and food sources are low then it will eat anything it can catch from fish to CUC. Nass snails are great and sand sifting gobys are good but wait a few months for adiquit food in the sand for him. The best thing for the SB is water movement from powerheads and your amount of stock and your feeding habits.