Which Pellet food

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hay caramba Don :eek: .

well i guess i should have expected in frozen food since i only feed that stuff to my fishes :p .
question... for how long do you leave your food soaking in RO water?
do you think that would make any difference :p ..... ok i know i have my hopes to high :D

I dont soak my food, but I dont feed frozen. I feed spectrum pellets every now and again but mainly zooplankton and LOTS of nori.

i hope nori doesn't contain alot of phosphates!! i have been using more and more of it lately! these tangs have a big appetite.
i hope nori doesn't contain alot of phosphates!! i have been using more and more of it lately! these tangs have a big appetite.

There are many different Nori's. Most asian market nori test lower in P than the fish store stuff.

i mostly use Julian Sprung Seaweed...i also have a few cases of Ocean Nutrition nori!
i mostly use Julian Sprung Seaweed...i also have a few cases of Ocean Nutrition nori!

Sprung was the highest at .2 of all the nori's I tested. Besides being crazy expensive by comparison. I get 100 10x10 sheets for $4.

where do you get your nori at?? also what color is it, and what are you feeding it to??? i have several different colors..i have green, brown, purple, and red.. i just switch up..i don't know which ones my hippo tangs like and/or need!!
where do you get your nori at?? also what color is it, and what are you feeding it to??? i have several different colors..i have green, brown, purple, and red.. i just switch up..i don't know which ones my hippo tangs like and/or need!!

I get it at a local asian market. Its green and is fed to tangs (sailfin, purple, kole) and a lawnmower.

I use spectrum and formula one pellets. As long as you keep up with the water changes your phos should never be a problem. Unles your dumpnig have a can of food in at a time.
So your saying that water changes don't remove phosphates? Why not?


Water changes dont keep up with phosphates, if they did we wouldnt need phosphate binders. Just about everything we do puts phosphates into the aquarium including waterchanges, food and even the soap residue from the skin on your hands. The object is to do as much as you can to limit and export it so that it doesnt build up.
