which salt is the right choice? (again)

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Ahhhh... c'mon Sara!!!

I always use Morton's Salt. Probably more than I should... at least thats what my better-half continues telling me at the dinner table. :D
Oh, Morton's is great for eating!!

Funny thing about my better, smarter half... when I told to him I can't use Morton's for the tank he said "well, can we eat the Tropic Marin? Because I don't see why we need two kinds of salt." LOL
900 and 18 :confused: This is not the norm. oceanic is not a bad salt, at least not in my reef.

Oliver there are diffrent bacth's of salt,some test good and yeah some are bad,like i can test my I,O and sometimes the calcium is low 350 and alk 5 i keep it at a 9 but if you test your cal,alk you can see for yourself if so cool.
You could probably use uniodized Morton's in a pinch. (get it? :D )

Sodium Chloride is a HUGE part of NSW.

900 and 18 :confused: This is not the norm. oceanic is not a bad salt, at least not in my reef.

More like close to 500 and 8 @ 35ppt / 80F. Mg is usually around 1500. IO will test low in ca and mg but alk is usually fine.
The problem with Oceanic is the way its skewed. Low ca is easy to fix but high ca and mg is not fixable unless you mix it with low ca salt like io.

More like close to 500 and 8 @ 35ppt / 80F. Mg is usually around 1500. IO will test low in ca and mg but alk is usually fine.
The problem with Oceanic is the way its skewed. Low ca is easy to fix but high ca and mg is not fixable unless you mix it with low ca salt like io.


I wonder what test kits ya'll are using?
Oliver there are diffrent bacth's of salt,some test good and yeah some are bad,like i can test my I,O and sometimes the calcium is low 350 and alk 5 i keep it at a 9 but if you test your cal,alk you can see for yourself if so cool.
Your post about oceanic was incorrect and uncool. Just wanted bob to get accurate info.:D
Salifert but mg comes in around 1300 and alk is 10. I get 490 ca. Are these bad numbers for sps.

High but not that far out of wack. They have either changed their salt or you are getting special treatment. :) Thier are hundreds if not thousands of threads posting numbers like I posted above, thats why they have so many x-customers.:)

Thier are hundreds if not thousands of threads posting numbers like I posted above, thats why they have so many x-customers.
I agree. I am a ex-customer of oceanic as well. The numbers you posted look very close to what I got. (salifert and seachem test) I now use IO
99) Marine Environment

I had a very hard time getting over the idea of using salt with a low measured alkalinity. Whether I used Salifert or Elos test kits, a fresh batch measures about 3dKH. The last time I tried ME, I was adding baked baking soda to the mixture to raise the alkalinity to about 9 and didn't have very good results.

I started using this again, after about 3/4 of a bucket of TMPR (which I didn't like at all.) This time, I didn't add anything; just did my usual weekly water changes. I had some different issues than before. First, my calcium went through the roof; not the fault of the salt but of the reefkeeper. I removed the calcium reactor which was chugging away the whole time. Things began to get under control, but Ca was still over 500. I dumped my container of saturated limewater and just filled it with RO/DI. Only now is my Ca dropping below 500. My tank dKH reads 5 but the corals (all SPS) look great. Now, what to do with $500 of unused Ca reactor equipment and 10 jars of pickling lime!!

On another note, I am an easy going, honest guy. I don't cheat anyone and prefer to be treated the same. I think it's an absolute disgrace that Reef Crystals sells a bucket of salt claiming to make 160 gallons of sea water and the bucket weighs 44.8 lbs (yes, I have the bucket still!) According to my math, it's 3.3 lbs underweight (just over 7% weight.) If the owner of a gas station re-calibrated his pumps to be off by 7%, he would receive a considerable fine for doing this and the local news station would love to put something like that on their 6 o'clock show. Does anyone here get away with paying 7% less on their income taxes? The IRS would be on you like stink on a turd.