Which tank to start with???

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Today we bought an AllGlass 150 with built-in overflows, partially plumbed (overflows and bulkheads) with stand. (homemade but quality build) Thanks to Kevin @ Aquatic Dreams for the bulletin board we found it on:)

Here's what were planning....we want this tank to be a reef made up of the softer corals, and various other "creatures" fish and inverts.

Any equipment advice: 'fuge size, set-up, plumbing, pump-size, skimmer, heaters, lighting...would be greatly welcomed.

We really enjoy the aquarist hobby...but don't have a money tree planted out back yet so being cost effective and concious is a must.

As always the advice we've gotten here is spectacular...please keep it coming as we enter this new phase.

We'll post pics after we get it home on Tuesday or Wed.:D :D
Well congrats on the new Tank, sounds like a good way to go:D
Start off slow & simple & work your way up to better little as you go, so sorta like what I'm doing right now with my tank.
NO WAY!!!!!!!!!! :eek: Everything I just posted I accidentally deleted!!!! :eek:

K...Here goes again(LOL)

Congrats on the tank!! I think you will be happy with the decision you made:)

Any equipment advice: 'fuge size, set-up, plumbing, pump-size, skimmer, heaters, lighting...would be greatly welcomed

Where a fuge is concerned, I'd go with the biggest size you can get away with. One of your other tanks (the 55gal especially) would make a great sump! You can just buy glass and silicone in the baffles/chambers and turn that tank into a sump. That way, you can make each chamber the size you want it to be able to house whatever equipment you are using and make the refugium as big as you want/need it. Here are 2 links to give you some ideas on what you can do. The first link shows some tanks turned into sumps and the second shows some sump ideas (made out of acrylic) but can be replicated in the form of a glass tank.

http://www.wetdryfilter.com/WetDry Filters and Sumps.htm - This one shows a few glass tanks made sumps.

http://www.melevsreef.com/allmysumps.html - You cn look on the left column under the title "varied sumps" to see some examples.

Where the plumbing and pump size is concerned, you tank's overflows are good for 1200gph (600 per) so you will need a pump that will provide you with flow in that area or how much you'd want flowing through your sump. Just keep in mind you lose flow at different levels of height "head-loss" so remember to take that into consideration. For eg a mag12 gives you 1200 gph at 0ft, but at 4 ft you may only get about 1000 gph. I persoanlly like about 800 or so gph running through my sumps. For me, I feel it gives the skimmer time to pick up in-coming water, but some people prefer a lot more flow for various reasons so that's something you will have to decide on. As for the plumbing size, your overflows comes with a 1 inch drains and a 3/4 returns so you'll just have to buy the plumbing parts to accomodate them. If the return pump you are using has a 1 inch output, then you'll just have to buy a reducer to tie it in...No biggie:) Here's a link to your overflow setup if you don't have a sheet on it already

As far as lighting, where you are mostly going with softies, you won't necessarily need metal halides. You could possible get away with just VHO's, T-5's or PCs. Not sure how you plan on mouting the lights, but there is an option for whatever you decide. If you want a fixture to hang from the roof, they make the kits, if you want a fixture to stand up on the tank, they havethem and if you want something you can screw up in a canopy, they have the retro kits as well for all the different forms of lighting so it is all up to how you want to go about it.

Well, that is just a few basic answers. If you give us some idea on which direction you want to go, we can all make suggestions and steer you in the right way:) Good Luck!
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Equipment update

Here's an update on the plan...today we purchased a mag 18 return pump, and an Aqua C Urchin Pro skimmer with a mag 3 pump. They will go in a 55g refugium / sump that is currently housing a 13" midas cichlid. We also decided on the lights today but I'll have to remember the exact configuration before I post it....more to come.:)

here's a url for the lights. Does anyone have experience with these. We are looking for a nice looking unit that contains everything needed. This one comes with bulbs, hanging kit, fans, internal ballasts, 24hr timer. We think that once we get it we won't have to worry about adding more light...just replacing bulbs...at least that's our hope?!
LOL! Well, not sure which one it is, but Current USA makes nice fixtures. I'm actually using one on my Aquapod with a HQI metal halide and 6 moonlights! How much watts is the one you are going with?
I believe it is rated for 529W...but you know how they always say you get 10-15% more with this micro-processor technology and good reflectors...who knows but I think it's rated for the 529?
Cool!!! That's about 3.5 watts per gal so you should be good to go with softies IMO and maybe even other more light demanding corals if you place them up high enough as well!:)
how many WPG do I need for the stonies? Not that we wnat them right away...but we do want the flexibility without forking out major $$ again for a new light scheme.
For SPS's I couldn't say for sure...Never tried to keep any eventhough I was told that when I had my 75gal, if I went with dual 250w mh's I would be able to keep anything and that was almost 7 watts per gal. I guess someone else who knows a bit more about lighting will have to answer that for you especially where T-5's are concerned:)