whidbey island

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Well-known member
Dec 8, 2008
Oak Harbor
not sure if this is the correct spot for this. just wondering if anyone on the island want to put a club together?
Well the puget sound would cover it. However it seems that while we are part of the puget sound, not many people like to make the trips out here. So with that being said we are isolated group of reefers that would also like to join in the club atmosphere. There is a great number of closet reefers. I think that it would be great for weekend BBQ's and tank showings and possible discussions on the future of this hobby. It always seems like the Seattleonians, and the Spokaninites are always getting the best. It is time as an island, a community, of dedicated reefers, (insert patriotic music here) stand up and unite.
Lots of the PSAS members are from tacoma or olympia. Meetings usually occur around seattle. Whidbey island isn't that far from seattle, so it seems the benefits of PSAS would out way the drive. Lots of knowledge, sponsors and members in PSAS. A new club would have to start up from scratch.
I do not believe that it was his intent to start a new club, such as the PSAS. But more of a collection of people on the island that don't have the time or the means to just drive out to Seattle. It goes both ways. I know that I have had several people interested in some trading of frags, and the minute Whidbey Island the conversation pretty much comes to an end. So possibly creating a seperate chapter or even just a friendly get together for people on the island to share knowledge and spread the marine virus is the
ultimate goal. Just like the BBQ's you guys have, and the meetings, and the frag swaps. Just saying it takes me 2.5 hours to get anywhere down south. I have 5 kids. The math just does not add up. So it would be nice to have a group of people out here that can get together and get this going.
I used to live on whidbey, and know that it isn't always that easy to get inland. I don't see why not to have a more local club. There is quite a few islanders, and you guys could always still stay involved with the PSAS. Maybe even get a good store of your own on the island someday! I hope to move back to Langley eventually. I spent many of my childhood years roaming the beaches.
like what was stated above. i want a more local meet up not everyone wants to drive 2+ hours for a club meeting that last 30 mins or whatever. im simply looking for more people on the island so that we can get together. im sure there is a lot of knowledge in PSAS but there are others (locals) who are not on this site who have a ton of knowledge as well. im getting together with our lfs to see if they will support us in meetings and what nots.
Gotcha. Sorry if my post seemed inflammatory. Didn't mean it to come off that way. Just wanted to say that there is a lot of resources and time put in on psas, that it might be tough or take a lot of work to duplicate it on the same level. Not to smash you guys having a local gathering :)
there is a ton of knowledge out there.....PSAS is just not that close to me and im not willing to drive that far all the time. thats why i just wanted to start up something here...no worries no feelings were hurt i figured someone was going to bring that group up
like what was stated above. i want a more local meet up not everyone wants to drive 2+ hours for a club meeting that last 30 mins or whatever. im simply looking for more people on the island so that we can get together. im sure there is a lot of knowledge in PSAS but there are others (locals) who are not on this site who have a ton of knowledge as well. im getting together with our lfs to see if they will support us in meetings and what nots.

It isn’t just the 2+ hour drive there is the 2+ hour drive back too. We should ask Brian about that. Would not be a bad idea and maybe be a sponsor of this site could do something for there business to. He doesn’t do anything on line from what I’ve see and even thought its not that big a store he’s been around a long time and ran every other pet store out of town by better service and a staff that for the most part is very helpful. We have the fish pet store in the Kens Korner mall in Clinton but he doesn’t do any salt water stuff.
I put out the idea out a while back about grouping the less visited areas on the PSAS forums but got little feedback when participation was a hot topic. I think it would greatly benefit the growth of the organization to foster smaller group meet ups specially those that are a bit remote. It will increase activity frequency and all of us getting to know each other and our tanks. I wouldn't think that each of these smaller groups would not be exclusive of each other, that anyone from any area could visit when in the area.
exactly what i was trying to get across where i live last we had seperate chapters of the main group because we were so far spread out
I think its a great idea and would be no more time on the road for me to get to Oak Harbor as it takes to get to the Kent Grange Hall. There are 7 or 8 RF/PSAS members that live within 4 miles of me and have suggested informal get togethers as well. Relations with local reefers are valuable to have such as when we go on vacations etc... to have someone experienced for feeding or a emergency backup to a family member or friend. I do believe having sub-chapters would only encourage membership/participation.

Just my .02 Todd