White Spots my Powder Brown Tang

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Well-known member
May 20, 2007
As the title says I have a powder brown that has developet small white spots on its head and upper body, He seams to be acting normaly though his color has faded. any help would be apriciated, I tried to get pics but he hid behind the rocks.

thanks wayne

Sorry to hear of the fish problem. Without a photo or additional symptoms, I'll guess it is most like Marine Ich (Cryptocaryon irritans). You can search the Internet to get photos of fish with this disease to compare what you're looking at. A couple of photos are in this article: Fish w/Marine Ich Photos

When you are better sure of the diagnosis, we may be able to help more. If you decide it is Marine Ich, then these posts will be informative.

Marine Ich - Myths and Facts

Steven Pro’s article on Marine Ich (Part 1):
(Part 2):
that looks exactly like mine. reading the articla im assuming all my fish have been exposed. that ill need to treat them all is that corect?
I'm glad you picked up on that.

Yes. All fish must be considered infected even if they are not exhibiting. There is one good thing about this. . .After the fish are removed and treated, the display tank, going fishless for 8 weeks, will be rid of all Marine Ich. Then the fish can be added back in. To keep Marine Ich out, you need to quarantine all new fish before putting them into the marine system to be sure they are disease free.

Here's information about the quarantine process. The hospital tank you now need to setup has a lot in common with the quarantine tank. A Quarantine Procedure,

You have two basic, best choices for treatment: hyposalinity (which is easier on the fish, harder on the hobbyist), or copper (harder on the fish, easiest for the hobbyist). Please read these two links to decide on your way forward:
Copper Medications - Good, Bad, and Ugly
A Fish Hyposalinity Treatment

Ask if you have any questions.
ok I understand both methods. but, if i understand this right, i put my fish in a hospital/QT tank and treat them( im planning on hyposalinity ). the MI is still in the original tank how do i get it out of there with out killing the imverts? I figure a 30-50% water change and posabley hypo salinity also. Am i headed in the right direction?

or should i do hypo on my whole tank and not worry about a qt tank since every thing is infected?

my tank is a 75g fowlr i do have snails and H crabs
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You went a little off track. If you remove the fish from your original tank, the Marine Ich will die on its own. You see, MI must have fish in order to live. They can only survive with fish. The live rock, invertebrates, etc. don't have to be moved and the original tank needs no treatment, so long as the fish are out of there for 8 weeks.

MI can't go through their life cycle using invertebrates (thanks to Ma Nature) and must have fish. These are the characteristics of an obligate parasite. Without a host, they die.

Set up your QT/hospital tank and treat the fish only. Follow the recommendations in that post.

We're here to help, so ask if you have questions.

ok ill set up the qt tanks tonight when i get home from work. ill let you know how it goes.

thanks for the help
I don't think you stated wether this is a new fish or one that you have had for a while. If it was a new addition then you should try in the future to quarantine any high risk fish such as the powder brown tang. Many tangs are at very high risk for the same problem that you are having and will almost always show some signs of ich.:(

In all fairness, you should quarantine all new fish but I can't preech that cause I break that rule:oops:

Good luck:D