white stuff on my rocks and sand?

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Bump up the flow and you should loose some of that detritus. As your rocks shed it will build up on the surface if there isn't enough flow to keep it in the water column 'till you can skim it out. On my 58g I have 2 seio 820's and 1 maxi 400, not including the 500gph coming from the return. I feel that I -still- need more flow. You have a huge cleanup crew also, so it sounds to me you are in need of some more flow.

As for boiling the rocks, thats going to kill EVERYTHING in/on that rock, including any aerobic bacteria on the surface, and, if thick enough rock (2"+ density) anaerobic bacteria. Not to mention any bristle worms, brittle stars, pods, etc.

Give boiling tank water a shot, possibly joes juice. If the 'tasia comes back in groves like it is currently, then maybe consider some peppermint shrimp, but give it a month before you decide. Just keep up on them and see how things work out. You have a LOT of employees on the cleanup crew, not sure if adding more (peppermint shrimp) is such a good idea at this point.

By the way, do you have any full tank shots? I'd like to check out how you have your maxi jets configured.
Holy aptasia batman! I recently had a problem with only a few of those buggers, i've been killing them as I see them by boiling tank water and using a syringe to blast the little bastards. Works like a charm, they melt into nothing and don't come back(at that spot anyway). My hermit crabs seem to eat the leftovers.

As for the powder stuff, I agree that its detritus and that you need to do a good syphoning and increase your waterflow somehow. Do you have your powerheads are different levels, or just at the top?

They are just up top facing each other on each side. Should i put them in different spots?
This is how my tanks is see my power heads on the sides. Any suggestions on how i should set them 2 up?

This is how bad it is!!!!


I would start by putting the attachment on the end of the maxijets (yknow, the flat thingy) and angling the one on the right down, directly onto the rocks. Depending on the results, maybe do the same to the other side also, but make sure you have good surface agitation still. I think you need another pump or two in there mate.

Your 'tasia is all over yes, it could be worse though :) With so many, regardless of how you address the problem (joes juice, boiling water injections, etc) i would only do a like 5 or so at a time per day so you don't throw your alk (if using joes juice) out of whack or sal/sg (way less likely to mess that up) with RO water. If you use tank water you shouldn't have to worry bout the sal/sg, but I don't think its going to be a problem.
Be very, very quite, I'm hunting aptasia don't you know. :)

I'd point the 2 PH towards the front middle of the glass. My .02 cents anyway..
I'd think about ditching the emperor or whatever power filter that is too. Nice filter for freshwater, but a major pita for salt. Much better off with a good skimmer and maybe another power head if you don't have a sump. Just my $.02
I'd think about ditching the emperor or whatever power filter that is too. Nice filter for freshwater, but a major pita for salt. Much better off with a good skimmer and maybe another power head if you don't have a sump. Just my $.02

The emperor bio wheel filter came with the tank when i got it. But i am saving up for a skimmer. I would get a sump but i really dont know anything about them so i am reading up on them. I was thinking about trying to do a DIY sump I have a extra 10 gallon and a 20 gallon tanks i can use. But yeah.
I would start by putting the attachment on the end of the maxijets (yknow, the flat thingy) and angling the one on the right down, directly onto the rocks. Depending on the results, maybe do the same to the other side also, but make sure you have good surface agitation still. I think you need another pump or two in there mate.

Your 'tasia is all over yes, it could be worse though :) With so many, regardless of how you address the problem (joes juice, boiling water injections, etc) i would only do a like 5 or so at a time per day so you don't throw your alk (if using joes juice) out of whack or sal/sg (way less likely to mess that up) with RO water. If you use tank water you shouldn't have to worry bout the sal/sg, but I don't think its going to be a problem.

All right ill try that with the power heads. When boiling the water do i use just regular tap water or do i boil water from my tank?
PH=Power Head, Maxijet, etc. Point them towards the front of the tank. these will allow the flow to bounce of the glass. It just softens up the MJ water stream some so your not blasting directly onto something.

What are u talking about? 2 PH in the front middle? jw.
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I have a extra 10 gallon and a 20 gallon tanks i can use. But yeah.

Go for it dude! you will not be disappointed. You can store your heaters, thermometers, future skimmer, etc all down there, and add some extra water volume too! A 20g sump would be awesome with your setup, and give you enough room to grow a fat bunch of cheato for a 'refugium' type setup. There are a lot of docs on this form, and even more people with experience on doing this, just ask after reading up on it, we will help out :)

When boiling the water do i use just regular tap water or do i boil water from my tank?

Tank water, or RO/DI (I would go tank water tho)
Go for it dude! you will not be disappointed. You can store your heaters, thermometers, future skimmer, etc all down there, and add some extra water volume too! A 20g sump would be awesome with your setup, and give you enough room to grow a fat bunch of cheato for a 'refugium' type setup. There are a lot of docs on this form, and even more people with experience on doing this, just ask after reading up on it, we will help out :)

Tank water, or RO/DI (I would go tank water tho)

TheJ thanks for all the help you are giving me. By anychance do u know how to make a sump? Or do u know of any good links on how to make a good sump? Thanks alot.
By anychance do u know how to make a sump? Or do u know of any good links on how to make a good sump? Thanks alot.

indeed mate! here is mine in action: http://youtube.com/watch?v=_7f16uri-SQ

Its actually pretty simple to make, i just did some calculations using calculators I found in the DIY sump section of reef frontiers, glued in some acrylic sheets to act as baffles (using aquarium grade silicone sealant) to catch micro bubbles and made an area for the cheato to grow, then filled it up and bam: instant DIY sump.

here are some pics from my site:
before mods:
overhead shot with baffles/equipment:
half full 'dry' run:

There are a BUNCH of DIY sump articles on this site like I said, go check em out!

**Just found this youtube vid of a sump w/baffles being filled up, this is a good visual for how its supposed to work, although I would have made the middle chamber bigger: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_AS6X67cWVM&mode=related&search=
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They are anemones? The guy at the pet store said they were common polyps?

Did he sell them to you?

If so.........

You should chip the rock out from underneath every one of them and go back into the store and ask for credit for your "polyps".

Make sure to blend up about 15 of them so when he refuses you can then dump the concoction in his display tank

ok...thats probably not a very mature way to deal with it......but its the first thing that came to my mind. :badgrin:I LOVE it when LFS sell aips.
Did he sell them to you?

If so.........

You should chip the rock out from underneath every one of them and go back into the store and ask for credit for your "polyps".

Make sure to blend up about 15 of them so when he refuses you can then dump the concoction in his display tank

ok...thats probably not a very mature way to deal with it......but its the first thing that came to my mind. :badgrin:I LOVE it when LFS sell aips.

Well i guess i kinda walked in to this he sold me a little rock with like 2 polyps on it and he told me it had eggs of anenomes. He told me they might die when i put them in my tank. He told me i could squirt the rock with water to kill them but i told my self they will probably die. I didnt know anything about these little monsters. So yeah. I am gonna buy a peppermint shrimp on thursday just to have to eat the ones i cant get to.
That looks, like "chalk" deposits, as in CaCO3/Calcite leaving solution. It does not have to be on the glass but can just fall out of solution on the rock and sand. Collect a bunch with a turkey baster and put in a glass and add some Vinegar drop by drop to see if it fizzes