Who could take my tank continued.

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Kevin, minus brain surgery, you been thru as invasive and risky a surgery one can, times 3???? yikes.

I can imagine what your experiencing....im having a little ole knee problem and surgery monday. but that alone causing the limitations is driving me nuts. I would go bonkers if it was long term.
LOL... I am bonkers most of the time. It's about all I (or in most cases Tink) can do from way overdoing it on projects. I was bad enough about that sort of thing when I was healthy.
Yeah Kevin, as Ray said above, between the two of us, we can certainly pick-up and keep things going in the event of a disaster, he has a huge garage and I have a 3500sq foot shop. So we have the room. I will talk to Ben here at WWU if you would prefer to have the tanks used for research or public display. I'm sure I can get you a walk through at Shannon point marine center if you want to see some cool local stuff and the kind of work done around here.


As long as my fish and inverts are taken care of properly, in all honesty I don't care what happens in the event of my death to the equipment. I bet theres $30K in that set up at this point. I'm suprised its so hard to find a home for it if something happens to me.

Although after they cook me (cremate) I might see if I can get dumped in the tank and live on through reefs for years to come..
Oh I want to take your tank,equipment and fish...you know I LOVE that sailfin :).
who knows the day when it comes...I may be able to acommodate the 8th sea you have there :)

Although after they cook me (cremate) I might see if I can get dumped in the tank and live on through reefs for years to come..

You know I think you got something here. I was thinking that when I go, I would be cremated, put in the gas tank of my harley and run it off a cliff in the mountains, but I like your idea better.
With any luck I'll live long enough to have that tank overflowing with coral... I'm sure things will go far and wide.

Dave, careful, you're close, have space and a big truck... might give my mother your number.. You couldn't maintain this system any worse than I do and it seems to just keep kicking just fine.

Put you in charge of caring for the mess and spreading me throughout the world... LOL I will take over the world. My soul will enter the aspasia and you think they are annoying now, wait till they have my mentality and whats left of my brain.
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LMAO kevin ok I guess Ill skip the 8th sea I dont need to be haunted LOL.

and my aptasia eating peppermint shrimp died :( Lol