Who is your funniest fish/critter and why

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Dec 13, 2011
I am curious as to who all else has funny critters. I have always wondered if I make them weird or find them weird as I have a knack. My little yellow clown goby likes to suction to the front of the aquarium and move until it finds just the right spot and then slide across the glass with the current, or my bi-color who is always popping out of somewhere upside down or side ways... But neither of these are my funny fish. My yellow eye combtooth blenny, that is my funny fish who thinks it is a dog. Not only does it always go for the biggest chunk of food and carry it back to it's hole to eat, spends the day peeking out of its hole when it is not on patrol, but sleeps on a shelf out in the open, however the oddest thing it does... chase it's tail. She doesn't do it all of the time, just when it is feeling playful and trying to get the yellow clown goby to "play" yes they spend a lot of time together. So who is your odd ball?
I wouldn't say odd, but my juvenile French angel I once had had an amazing personality. Reminded me of a dog to be honest. After a few days in the tank, he would go crazy if I came in the room swimming back and forth following me. I had him eating out of my hand after being in my tank only about a week and he was wild caught. Loved that fish!! :)

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Mine was a black sailfin goby. I have plumbing into the tank that switches back and forth so at any given time one side of the plumbing has no flow for about 3 minutes, then it comes full blast. So anyway when the flow is off the goby swims into the pipe an turns around and waits at the pipe edge, then the flow comes back on and shoot him across the tank. He would do this for hours every single day. The kids call him Evil.

false clown from (petco) so he's pretty much a thug. He chases you around and watches you and if you put your hand in the tank expect a bite. Ask eric for reference of the behavior.
Mine was a black sailfin goby. I have plumbing into the tank that switches back and forth so at any given time one side of the plumbing has no flow for about 3 minutes, then it comes full blast. So anyway when the flow is off the goby swims into the pipe an turns around and waits at the pipe edge, then the flow comes back on and shoot him across the tank. He would do this for hours every single day. The kids call him Evil.


Smart fish. He figured why waste all of his energy swimming across a 750 gal tank to get to the other side when he could just chill out for a few mins and wait for a free ride across lol

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pair of orange diamond gobies...I watch them every night dig a hole, move shells from one end of the tank, and then fill it up the next day, and then dig the same darn hole all over again.
I love it.... They all sound awesome. I do love to watch my bi-color and diadema in my 33 do their nightly "house cleaning" before bed. Never fails, they both clean out their holes every night before bed. The Bi-color doesn't go out far so it is a sand geyser shooting out of his hole and the diadema decides where she is building a new little hill. Sometimes she likes to go and drop it on the bi colors head. Not sure if that is intentional, but it makes more work for him. lol. I swear my fish have almost as much personality as my kids.... and trust me that is a lot.
My midas blenny... he perches on equipment with his front fins (return pipe, overflow, powerheads, heater, etc.) so that he can stick his head above the waterline. I'm not sure of the purpose, but I figure he's just wanting to know what it looks like from outside the water :) Of course, he spends the rest of his time curled up inside his barnacles.
Whole reason I originally came into this hobby was the fish. So smart and great personalities. I have a wrasse that acts like security for my tank. Get up and close to anything new added and eyes it up and down with suspicion. My tang was really really shy and now comes up to say hi and plays in the flow. Clowns are dorks - sleep on pretty much anything and momma clown bites really hard! haha :)