as far as glass cages is concerned, they have quite possibly the worst customer service. When I placed the order, you would have thought I was asking them to do brain surgery when I asked to move the location of the overflows, then it took nearly 2 months longer then they said it would take, then it was "shipped" however the tracking number was bunk and when I did finally get that straightened out they admitted to basically giving it to me to shut me up. Upon arrival they decided to strap the styrofoam around it with a metal strap, which resulted in some awesome chips on both sides of the front panel. They'd fix it for free if i shipped it back (which I was going to have to pay for to the tune of an additional 700), their warranty starts when the tank is built not received so by the time I had got it, the tank had a little less then a month on the warranty. The build looked like some glue sniffer did the silicon job. I spent several hours scraping the excess silicon from the front panel and along the top of the side panels