Who uses a UV sterilizer???

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Who uses a UV sterilizer???

  • Always used one

    Votes: 7 29.2%
  • Just recently started using one

    Votes: 4 16.7%
  • Never used one

    Votes: 8 33.3%
  • Use to use one but stopped

    Votes: 5 20.8%

  • Total voters


Oct 22, 2004
Nassau, Bahamas
Time for a new poll so who uses a uv sterilizer? If you've used one before but stop using it, why? If you do use one, do you use it 24/7 or just on special occasions?? For those like me that never used one why is that?? For me, never seen the real need or benefit of one so never looked into getting one. I don't know...Seems like my tank did just fine without one. :)
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I have an Aqua ultraviolet 80w (2 x 40w) on my 375g tank for 2+ years. I love it!!!

IMO it was a good part of the reason I was able to keep as many fish in my tank (before a parasite decimate most of my livestock). Some think UVs are "fool gold" and they are entitled to their opinion, but it works for me and will continue to use them.
I do use one but since my move it hasn't worked. I am thinking I need to replace the bulb.....but I don't really know and have far more stuff to mess with in my tank....never really get around to it. But I should....that's for sure. I have used one ever since I had my Ich breakout a couple years ago. Added UV and haven't had a single issue since.....plus the water seems cleaner when it is running.
I wonder if anyone didn't use one at one point and then once they started to use one noticed some sort of difference?? :)

Oh, Oh, me, me, <Arnold Horsack raising hand><I think I just dated myself>


I had major algae/bryopsis issues the first 1.5yr of my tank running. I then changed my flow of my closed loops AND added a UV sterlizer..It took almost 6 months to see a noticeable difference, but for me it made a difference. Now all my live rock has purple coralline algae on it and have not seen any algae on the rock in several years.

Oh, Oh, me, me, <Arnold Horsack raising hand><I think I just dated myself>


I had major algae/bryopsis issues the first 1.5yr of my tank running. I then changed my flow of my closed loops AND added a UV sterlizer..It took almost 6 months to see a noticeable difference, but for me it made a difference. Now all my live rock has purple coralline algae on it and have not seen any algae on the rock in several years.

Haha!! I can see you all excited to answer this question :rofl:
I do use one but since my move it hasn't worked. I am thinking I need to replace the bulb.....but I don't really know and have far more stuff to mess with in my tank....never really get around to it. But I should....that's for sure. I have used one ever since I had my Ich breakout a couple years ago. Added UV and haven't had a single issue since.....plus the water seems cleaner when it is running.

That's because you used tap water for so long....LOL

I just recently had a huge issue with a powder blue tang with Velvet. I was not running a UV filter and it killed the powder blue, two saddleback clowns, two bi-color anthias, and a naso tang. For some reason the fish that decided to live is my leopard wrasse. I was borrowing a UV filter from a friend and I am currently looking for a bulb for an extra one he is going to give me.
Time for a new poll so who uses a uv sterilizer? If you've used one before but stop using it, why? If you do use one, do you use it 24/7 or just on special occasions?? For those like me that never used one why is that?? For me, never seen the real need or benefit of one so never looked into getting one. I don't know...Seems like my tank did just fine without one. :)

I'm that way too. If my tank is doing fine without something, why go out of my way to buy and use it?
Uv discussions really can't go very far. Imo the science does show they do perform a task. On the other hand I could never justify giving them any real credit for my success. There is no way for a guy or gal to show exactly what the uv did or did not do to contribute. The only thing we can accurately claim is that its installed and what the heck it can't hurt. I doubt its the reason for anyone's success or failure.

Uv discussions really can't go very far. Imo the science does show they do perform a task. On the other hand I could never justify giving them any real credit for my success. There is no way for a guy or gal to show exactly what the uv did or did not do to contribute. The only thing we can accurately claim is that its installed and what the heck it can't hurt. I doubt its the reason for anyone's success or failure.


Well this is the reason I started a thread on uv's to see what the actual deal is on them. Never had one and really never saw a need for one.
DanW, I believe it was you what caused me to start using UV because of any article you posted years ago about it. I believe you reposted it not to long ago. It has great information about UV and what it will do under the correct conditions. I remember a comparison picture of a green tank before and after a week of use. You would never believe the difference. The tank after a week was crystal clear. If I can find it I will re post it. If used correctly and sized for what you doing there is evidence that it will reduce and or eliminate algae, bacteria and other microscopic pest in your tank. I use one, actually 2 in a similar set up as NC2WA. I had a bulb burn out a month ago or so and I could tell the water quality was going down. I’m not sure how long it was out but I don’t believe it was more then 2 months. Unfortunately mine don’t have any way of telling me if its not working.

I cant subscribe to the notion if its not broke don’t fix it about the equipment list on someone’s tank. I have a 10 gallon running with no skimmer and it looks fine so why run one. There are 8 fish 2 shrimp and 10 or so hermits in it. The water is clear and clean and the fish look good. So why bother, right? Its just another piece of equipment you can ad to your system to do a job to reduce water changes, clear water, or what ever you are trying to do with said piece of equipment.

For heavily stocked fish tanks it believe it is as important as a skimmer. For a reef tank with no or few fish, maybe its not worth the time or effort. Its just a matter of opinion but the science is there for it and when used correctly they can work but UV is not as easy as just throwing a skimmer in to the mix. It is really as waist of time if not set up correctly. Too much water flow and it does nothing for you. Not enough water flow for the system size and still does nothing for you. Matching the equipment to your system is necessary for using UV.
DanW, I believe it was you what caused me to start using UV because of any article you posted years ago about it. I believe you reposted it not to long ago. It has great information about UV and what it will do under the correct conditions. I remember a comparison picture of a green tank before and after a week of use. You would never believe the difference. The tank after a week was crystal clear. If I can find it I will re post it. If used correctly and sized for what you doing there is evidence that it will reduce and or eliminate algae, bacteria and other microscopic pest in your tank. I use one, actually 2 in a similar set up as NC2WA. I had a bulb burn out a month ago or so and I could tell the water quality was going down. I’m not sure how long it was out but I don’t believe it was more then 2 months. Unfortunately mine don’t have any way of telling me if its not working.

I cant subscribe to the notion if its not broke don’t fix it about the equipment list on someone’s tank. I have a 10 gallon running with no skimmer and it looks fine so why run one. There are 8 fish 2 shrimp and 10 or so hermits in it. The water is clear and clean and the fish look good. So why bother, right? Its just another piece of equipment you can ad to your system to do a job to reduce water changes, clear water, or what ever you are trying to do with said piece of equipment.

For heavily stocked fish tanks it believe it is as important as a skimmer. For a reef tank with no or few fish, maybe its not worth the time or effort. Its just a matter of opinion but the science is there for it and when used correctly they can work but UV is not as easy as just throwing a skimmer in to the mix. It is really as waist of time if not set up correctly. Too much water flow and it does nothing for you. Not enough water flow for the system size and still does nothing for you. Matching the equipment to your system is necessary for using UV.

Sorry a little off topic
but what kind of fish are you keeping in your 10G tank??

and what do you guys think about the in tank UV sterlizer's
thinking of getting one for my tank
4 green reef chromis
2 firefish
1 green clown goby
1small clown
¼ of the tank is full of green macros and a foot ball size piece of very open rock with a ton of water flow and no sand because if would be a white out sand storm.

I personally don’t think the in tank UV is going to work unless in a very small tank like 10 gallon or smaller but that’s just a guess since I’ve never looked at how one works. I have a feeling the small ones your looking at are more geared for fresh water tanks to reduce algae and clear the water.

By the way the fish are free to a good home if anyone wants them.
umm I guess I'll keep reading more about the in tank UV
why are you getting rid of the fish if you don't mind me asking
not sure about saltwater, but when I was running freshwater they definitely made a major difference in keeping the water from quickly turning green. I have been running a 135-gallon FOWLR system with 2 9W UV Sterilizers (somewhat undersized according to the articles I've read), but UV and a good skimmer are in my experience necessary to keeping the water clear and crisp.
The information in this article is 30 years old but the information is still good but I half to believe that the UV filters have greatly improved in this time along with the UV lights them selves.

this one is a reference chart

:focus: And lastly this one has some very good information. It really explains to dumb people like me how stuff works and what it is doing and some examples and experiments. You should read this one and you will have a new understand on what it is and how to properly apply it to your system if you choose to use one.
UV Sterilization, Irradiation for Aquariums/Ponds; UVC Sterilizers Information

This information was posted by DonW a while back as an example on why its not worth it but the information is good and if you are thinking you need UV you should at least give it all a good look. It could change your mind ether way