Who's Your Fav Inhabitant?

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Well-known member
Jan 25, 2004
Just curious as to who your favorite inhabitant is/was? This could be a particular fish or invert, past or present, but I want to also know why. Personality, beauty, etc.... Also, if the inhabitant has/had a name - please share :D .
I have a pair of Oscellaris Clowns that I have had for over 13 years now. I would say they are my favorite. And I have never named them, can you believe that? :lol:
not any one in particular, but every tank i have had Must have a pair of skunk cleaner shrimp! i just luv having them jump on my hand and clean me....lol
Mr. Squishy!!

a Sea Hare. it makes its rounds between both systems. does an amazing job of cleaning the glass.

then again, i like strange and unusually critters.

I'd have to say my copperband that has been with me for over 3 years now. This fish had never been sick a day and got sick only about 2 months ago. It started hiding and when it finally came back out it looked like fin and bones. It had 2 sore looking areas on the back part of the fish on each side. Now though, and happily the fish has started eating and is almost back to it's former big, bad self.

I also now cannot work in the tank without it wanting me to pet it. This fish is so cool and I'm so glad it made it through some kind of disease process that I hope I never see again.
Hmmm right now it would have to be the Vlamingii tang, he just a pig with fins and always bumps into you when your hands are in the tank, the kids pet him all the time. I feed my tank with a blender mush using a turkey baster. it didnt take him long to figure out that if you put the end of the baster in your mouth you get the best bang for his buck, problem is how to get it out of his mouth??? lol
The kids named him big blue

I had an O.s. Peacock Mantis named Fluffy. Unfortunately, she died during a molt. RIP my dear friend.

I have now replaced her with a new O.s. who won't be officially named until she passes her first molt.
Hands down it's Gil The Wonderfish! He is a simple Yellow Tang but his life is incredible. He was a downer fish in mad cow terms, but Gil pulled thru with the help of everyone here at Reef Frontiers. His story goes...one evening after the lights went out he must have fallen asleep at the wheel and got himself caught on the tanks out take and nearly lost his life and fin. Today Gill has a little "Nemo" syndrome, his fin looks a little different from "the accident" but he will always be my Wonderfish.
Fly N Reef
My favorite inhabitant has to be my six line wrass. It is always cruizin around the tank, and I just love it. Its name is Chopper
Karen, I remember Gil; glad to hear he's doing well :)

Hands down, the family fave was "Bob" the bi-color blenny. He was my first SW fish and we all loved to watch his antics. He watched us about as much as we watched him, too, lol. I lost him to the dinoflagellates :( but one of these days I'll have a "Bob Jr."
I would definately have to say my Lawnmower Blennie, he just has a lot of character almost like a dog.


the pic is a little old, but he doesn't hang around for photo opps too often. ;)

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Eliyah - great shot...he looks like he's saying, "Cheeeese". LOL
Mike, LOL.. I remember when you got that tang. One day that fish is going to snatch that baster out of your hand.

Then what..........

Sounds like your CB is hanging in there. I am glad to hear that. And great job in getting it healthy again. My CB never made it through my difficult tank times of last year. I really loved that fish too ... sad to see it go for sure :(

Anybody have any pictures of their favorites?

Alice thanks for remembering Gil. I get attached to my critters and am so grateful that he survived his ordeal.
Heres his pic....
I would have to say any of the following are my favorite....
Banded Snake Eel, Leopard Wrasse, or my Blue throat trigger.
Those are some great looking fish Chuck. What is the lifespan of those percula's, because I know you mentioned a while back that they're 13 years old now?

FlynReef: Gil is a great looking fish!

Chuck, what a gorgeous couple your clowns make. Your Purple Tang looks awesome too. You need to teach me to post the picture with my post just like yours. You know me on another quest to frustrate myself with this darned computer.

Esmith thanks.

Let's see some more pictures...we love those pictures.
Great pics!! LOL, Chuck, the female looks like she rules the roost for sure. Your male doesn't stand a chance....he appears to have the "Yes, dear" down pat.

Lovin' the pics everyone...keep them coming!

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