Who's Your Fav Inhabitant?

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Great pics, everyone!

Karen, Gil sure looks fat and sassy now :)
I have a sea urchin I have had for nearly four years or more and your not going to believe it but it's name is "Spike". This critter has been through alot with me and tank problems and changes so it is close to my heart!:)
Chuck, I'm so sorry your copperband didn't make it through that ordeal you and the tank went through. It's like the tank wasn't a big enough problem. The clowns look great though as does the purple tang.

Johnny, it seems like when we nurse our critters though tough times they always are then part of our hearts.
Here are some of my favorite inhab's... Sorry that I didn't get a picture of my leapard wrasse, he is a little hard to photo graph :)

I was hoping you were going to post a pic of your Banded Snake Eel! I'm not much of an eel-y person but the BSE's are very cool :) I don't know much about them though; could you tell me about your experience with yours?
Well, I recieved him with a direct supplier through our store, I kept him in a small tank all by himself with plenty of sand and started to introduce frozen krill. This helped because he had no competition with other animals. Basically I took the krill and buried it into the sand so that it seemed natural to him. After a couple weeks I wasn't sure if he was eating but I noticed he was getting bigger so I took him out and brought him home. He is happier then ever because I have about a 1 - 2" sand bed and he just hangs out. I was extremely lucky; however, I do believe anyone can have success with hard animals as long as they give them a tank by themselves for feeding reasons and have the patience to work with them.
I will post more pictures as they become available even for me :)
Cool :)

I thought I remembered that they pick through the substrate for food. Any worries with him consuming other tank inhabitants?
However, they are really time consuming, require lots of attention and need a small tank to start off in at first. If those requirements are met you should have a better chance of keeping one.
Alice said:
That's good to hear. Hmmmm..... ;)
A small tank I've got. Time consuming in what way? Extra daily feedings or...? I would also imagine that they don't do well in tanks with aggressive fish.
Not really the extra feeding, but going out of the way to find the food at first. You will need to be able to supply the BSE with a variety of fresh seafood (ie, tuna, squid, shrimp, etc...) Something so that he will just start eating.... These also need to be injected into the substrate. Once you get him eating those you will have to slowly work over to frozen food (ie, krill and mussles.) If you come across a small one like mine then you have to cut them up into tiny peices. Everything must be injected into the sand. I've heard if you have aggressive fish they will nip at the tail of the BSE... Sometimes he leaves it dangling out.
Well, I just added another favorite inhab to my reef tank.... A small African Volitan Lion... He has purple and yellow fins.... I will try to get some pictures once he is a little more established and my battery charges :).
Hey everyone, great looking friends we've all got here. Just thought I'd throw up another great shot of my fav. Here he is laying in one of his favorite spots...on top of the toadstool, hey look there's nemo! :lol:

Keep em coming!

My favorite fish is Jack

And don't say fresh water fish don't count, because this fish likes to be carried in my hand :p
Jack counts in my book.

Of course fresh water counts. What kind of fish is Jack? And how did you ever learn that he wants to be in your hand?
Fly n Reef
my fav critter would have to be my 1 of my 2 wrasse's, Cirrhilabrus lubbocki (from Bali), the color and the personality go hand and hand, one of the best buys so far ;)



sorry for the blurry background, had the shutter @ max just to get a pic, he is fast, more so when he sees the cam;)

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