Why the new rules??

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Psycho WHAT!
Mar 6, 2009
Lake Stevens, WA
Why the new posting restrictions and the 50 post minimum? Now I have to toss out perfectly good live rock that someone else could use. I hate to use it as fill for the runoff ditch down by the road. Seems like such a waste. Perhaps more notice to members would have been appropriate and less frustrating for those of us who are just below the minimum.
So it's all the fault of the new rule, that you have to, or think you have to, toss out perfectly good live rock? hmmmmm

#1. Dry it out, save it.
#2. Put it in a garbage can with saltwater and a powerhead.
#3. Use it as unique/smelly paper weights

I think the reasoning behind the rule is pretty self explanatory. http://www.reeffrontiers.com/forums/showthread.php?t=49967

This same rule, only more strict, is on many reef related forums. On most other forums, it's a 90 day membership requirement. IMO the rule has been needed, here on RF for some time. Awhile back, we had a few members, aka "sellers" join RF and within 5 days of membership had 30 posts, all trying to sell stuff. That's not the reason, nor the spirit, of Reef Frontiers.
Yes some are gonna get gouged but there has been a few people on here for less than 10 post and one week with multiple sale threads..

If chuck had his way he would do away with the sale threads all together but the masses use them to trade and share along with sell.
Now I have to toss out perfectly good live rock that someone else could use. I hate to use it as fill for the runoff ditch down by the road. Seems like such a waste.

You can always give the liverock away if your concern is truly about wasting the rock someone else can use...

The problem we've had lately is a large number of new members coincedentally getting out of the hobby having posts solely in the for sale/for free forums where they are getting rid of a large number of high end items for friends of theirs at great prices....

The board doesnt cost anything to join, its only source of revenue is from sponsors who pay for the priviledge of advertising. After several "members" sneaking past the sponsorship requirements for advertising, the Admin decided to make the change to a minimum post count prior to being allowed to sell items.

I'm sorry if that causes you or other legitimate members inconvienance, but the short version is that others screwed it up for you...

Bottom line is:

1. We are not ebay, we are not a classified ads site, we are a reefkeeping site meant to share information and help with each other.

2. I get many responses to these rules telling me I am doing a disservice to the members here. I say bull-honkey. If all people want to do is buy or sell, they are free to join another site. Sorry to be so blunt but ebay or your local store is better suited for that kind of thing.

3. Any one trying to push their post count up arbitrarily to get past the rules will not be using this site for very much longer. Based on what I have seen by a specific member today, I am more inclined to make the rules even stiffer in the very near future.
Bottom line is:

1. We are not ebay, we are not a classified ads site, we are a reefkeeping site meant to share information and help with each other.

2. I get many responses to these rules telling me I am doing a disservice to the members here. I say bull-honkey. If all people want to do is buy or sell, they are free to join another site. Sorry to be so blunt but ebay or your local store is better suited for that kind of thing.

3. Any one trying to push their post count up arbitrarily to get past the rules will not be using this site for very much longer.

Well said..
I agree..
Not a swap meet..
I think most of us agree on the rules and feel they are fair and needed.
It makes this forum a nice place for all of us.

It seems obvious the original posters complaint isn't really about the rock.
I'm actually beginning to wish it was a 90 day rule.
No one is making you throw out perfctly good live rock. Like Sid said, there are plenty of options.
I have to agree on this matter,Its agrivating to me to see new members join this site just to sell..I do agree more of a probation period is needed..I am truly surprised it has taken this long to do this!!This is meant to use as a learning tool i believe..Thanks..Shane
Yeah I mean look at the guy that had one post and was linking to his 30K in merchandise to sell. 30K in new merchandise pretty much makes you a vendor. Or the family of a vendor that passed....
Sell the rocks on craigslist, or change your signiture to say "ive got live rock FS, PM me!"

Reef Frontiers isnt making you throw away live rock, thats an immature response if you ask me.
So after seeing all of this discussion above and having read MtDewMn's posts.....

Why would you even think about suggesting a way around the rules???

Do you stay awake at night and think of ways to stir controversy, or is just an amazing talent of yours?

I think people get all up in arms over stupid stuff. The new rule is great and I for one am not here or on any other forum to make money. I have always felt that as a reefer I should always give back to my fellow reefers from time to time.

Does this mean I never sell my frags... No, but I do like to give freebies away as a kind of "pay it forward".

As for the lr, There is and always has been CL. Great for Selling anything and everything.
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Personally, I think the rule is great and wouldn't be opposed to seeing it stricter. I am a muscle car guy as well and when I go on other forums for information it gets so disseminated into space since there are millions of members on the site and over half are just there to sell and not give help or advice. I am glad this site has restricted things; it makes those who are not committed to being neighborly leave. Even though I haven't really talked directly to a lot of you, it still feels like a family. So on that note...what I want for Christmas....:D
Sell the rocks on craigslist, or change your signiture to say "ive got live rock FS, PM me!"

Reef Frontiers isnt making you throw away live rock, thats an immature response if you ask me.

I agree with the sell on craigslist part, but I do not agree with putting something in your signature. That would be against our commercial posting rules :)
30 day's isn't that long to wait and if you need help on how to hit 50 post's in 30 day's pm adam :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Yes I am good at racking up the posts..
It's called sitting at the puter at 5 am on a Saturday when everyone else is sleeping..
And having kids that make you mad so you go to your room to escape..LOL

And ask lot's of questions.. I think I asked hundreds of questions to get teh knowledge I have.. And I don't know squat... I ask questions everytime I go to someones house..
I want to learn more everyday..
I need to learn more everyday..
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