Why would my skimmer stop skimming?

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Well-known member
Mar 11, 2005
After getting my sump running (finally) I have my Remora Hang on as my in sump skimmer. Was doing fine, skimming what it usally does for a couple days the BOOM, it just stop skimming. The water is flowing through at the same rate, It makes the same sound in the chamber, but no skimmate. Whats up?
Second question, how, and how often do you clean a filter sock?
you know I had the same thing and still no answers I installed a better skimmer works grate for about 2 weeks the boom all I can get is white foam if the level is just right some things to try from the pros is florate adj.highth adj. intake/exuast adj. and how close is it to the added water are if too close cant recover in time to make yuk aka skim mate
My skimmer cup is already doing the Limbo, its as low as it can go.
Any wisdom on the filter sock? Just how do you clean one?
sounds like a plan, I used to have the perfect brush for it but I lost it. Where can you find a long skinny brush like that? Maybe a pipe cleaner?
when that happnd to my hang on remora, it might just need a powerhead clean.....take off the powerhead and clean it throughly maybe in some vinigar water and make sure the impellar is nice and clean...when i did that it began to skim once again
im pirtty sure aqua C will send you one no charge or very littel charge....

the injector hole doesnt really get clogged like you think it does..... If the water is flowing out the skimmer at a good rate the hole isnt pluged....

if you installed a new sump it might take up 2 week and a half to start skimming..... one things for sure keep your hand outta the tank and it will happen faster.

I clean my remora and pump for it, twice a year.... (aka 6 months)

just keep in mind every time you put your hand in the tank of fingers and any part of you body (what ever that might be) the oil from your skin will fall off like butter on a hot knife, and go to the skimmer..... the oil will stop the bubbles from makeing up the tube..... but it will restart shortly......

just give the skimmer a quick overhawl if you think its dirty. Like 822 said if the impellar has nastys on the magnet part inside.... that will slow it down and lower your production.... but it should stop it. (unless its really really bad)
oh the filtere sock.... i would clean once a day.... ither morning or night..... if you can both would best....

doesnt take much take it off take it to the sink. (pure rodi water thur it backwards if you can) other wise... just run it under some warm water... and most of the stuff will just fall off, the longer you wait the harder it will be to clean and the more damage it will do 2 your water conditions
Once you set the skimmer up in the sump you probably don't dump as much detritus in there as in the main tank, make sure your overflow skims the water surface well enough to get that stuff down there, quick test put the skimmer back up top & see what happens, also If you use a sock constantly then your catching more in that sock probably, two possibilities to think about. On the sock I would use it maybe once a week while blowing off the rocks in the main display, cleaning the tank & letting it catch everything overnight. I clean them with a hose outside then throw them in the wash with my tank towels, i use a light detergent & double rinse the load. I wouldn't fight swapping out socks daily or ever three days, gets to be a chore. JMO
So Scooteman, you are saying you don't have the sock on there at all times? just over night after a good dusting of the rocks?
I called AquaC today and those guys are really up on customer service. They are sending me a brush for free to clean the injector, and told me everything I needed to do to get her up and running again. Free brush, no questions asked (I bought it used).
Now all I have to do is clean the impeller on the powerhead and soak the whole unit in vienager for a day and it should be fine.
thats what im talking about.....

thats why i tell people that theres no need to buy anything else other then aqua C....

my skimmer for my 150 will be a Ev series,

say it with me...

aqua C is da bomb!