Will my DIY fuge work?

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ROFL!! You're gonna get that person in trouble if their wife or hubby is a member :lol:

On a serious note...NOT:p (LOL) No, but seriously, that's exactly what I pictured it looking like as well. Not a bad idea at all...:)
That's exactly the idea I had. It's good to see someone else using it...maybe it'll actually work....lol. Now that I've got some of the details out of the way...I need to spend some time actually working up the nerve to drill the tank...and then working through all of those details....as this tank is currently full of water, fish, rock, sand and corals...lol.
oh, boy i stress that one, take it down b4 your drill. with the weight and water in it pushing down, Im willing to bet that as soon as you drill a little bit its gonna shatter (maybe not shatter) but crack
your doing a boat load of pluming right? make sure you use the right glue for the pvc and let is cure. I dont really know what the right glue is, but someone here will.

post lots of pics.
Jon...Johnny...Little man:D If it's for PVC pipes, it's just pvc cement, if it is gluing acrylic or plastic pieces, most people use Weldon glue and then there's silicone of course for baffles etc:)
I'm scared!!! lol. Nah, I'll break the tank down here in a few weeks. That'll give me time to research drilling and refugiums some more. It'll also give me the time to find a hole saw to do the drilling with. When the time comes...I'll go slow, low speed, very lil' pressure and LOTS of water!!! lol. I'm going to practice on a 10 gal that I have lying around too!!!
Sounds good and if all else fails, take it to someone to be drilled so if they screw up, they'll have to replace the tank:p
Ask the local shops if they have done it before, how many times. If they have ever broke one before,etc. They are not going to guarantee they won't break it, but they will say if they can do the job with a certain amount of success. I've had four tanks drilled by different glass shops. From a 40 up to a 180. If the guy is a craftsman and has the confidence,,,