Will my ocelaris host a bubble tip

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Jun 17, 2007
around there really
I know no one can say for sure if my ocellaris will host a bubble tip or not but it says in joyce wilkersons book about clown fishes that a bubble tip is an acceptable anemone for the ocellaris clown fish

im planning on getting one tomorrow and i dont wanna be let down

they dont seem to be to picky as to say that they are hosting a mag na float right now!!!
thanks I hope they host it as quicky as you replied to my thread LOL

I'll find out tomorrow

Does 50 dollars sound a bit much for price????
the price is right that's about how much they go for :) .

ocellaris will host bubble tip anemones, some leathers, xenia, my clown used to host a long tentacle anemone a long time ago (it took about 2 years for her to go in there :p)
Is it a Rose Bubble Tip or Green Bubble Tip? In our area, that's about average for a RBTA, although you can get them cheaper from fellow reefers and probably pay more at a LFS. I haven't ever purchased a GBTA, but have seen them for quite a bit less in this area from fellow reefers. Haven't priced them at LFS.

That being said, there's A LOT of reefers in the state of Washington, and A LOT of them have RBTAs that split on a regular basis...lol.

Be warned that BTAs are notorious for wandering around tanks and stinging corals. I've never had mine do it and have had it, and several splits for about 3 years. But I think I'm the exception to the rule. Also make sure you keep all powerhead intakes covered to protect your BTA from being sucked in.

To answer your initial question, I think a BTA is a great choice for you. Occellaris will usually readily go into them.
yeah its a green bubble tip is this still ok. A bta is a bta right?? I hope so cause I really got my heart set on it depending on what it looks like. At the lfs its under some pc lights so I'm hoping once it gets under my 700 and some odd watts of vho and halide lighting.

They said it was still in good health though and has been there for a couple of weeks.
yes a bta is a bta :p:D .
just make sure you let the anemone get used to your lights and your water and you'll be good dood .
As Spongebob said, yep, your Occellaris should love it. Also, as she said, acclimate it slowly to your lighting. Don't try and do this by placement of the BTA. It will go where it wants. Trying to place it where you want it will cause more wandering and could result in injury to your corals and BTA. Acclimate it by either raising your lighting or putting something between lights and tank to filter the light for a period of time. I'm not too familiar with the best way to do light acclimation but I think it needs to be done over a period of weeks. Hope others will chime in here.
I've always used the raising method and from what I've read it is the best way to go. the green bta are usually less than $50 my lfs has 'em for $35 usually
thanks gals and guys

Yep raising the lights aint a option there in a homemade canopy, I'm thinking of just maybe pulling the plug on both of my halides and using my vhos Gor a couple days on it. Only vhos I have Is 2 super actinic bulbs hope thats ok

After a couple days I'll turn on one of my halides for about a half and probably increase it a half hour every day

My timers for my vhos turns the vhos off a half hour after my halides come on so the tank will basically be dark and I'm usually asleep when this occurs. Will I have yp reset all the timers or will the gbta be ok in the dark for 4 hours. The vhos come on at 9 30 in the morn go off at 10 30 in the morn come back on at 2 30 and go off at 6 30 so yeah that'll be qwite a while in the dark. Hope thats ok

That should be my only problem

Thanks guys
Actually RBTA are more than $50 and are somewhat hard to find anymore. They seem to be going for $100 plus.
Holygral, it all depends on where you live. They're a lot cheaper than that over on our side of the nation. Especially up here in our "reef rich" corner.

Trillyen, your light acclimation plan sounds great.

cool so my gbta will be ok in the dark for a good while due to acclimation

Awesome. Thanks for the help. Of not for u guys the gbta would of been introduced to a tank on a 4 hour 500 watt halide light schedule.

Thanks alot. Yeah I really hate to pay 50 bucks for the dang thang too.
eah I didn't even end up getting the gbta cause it looked like crap I wish I would have took a picture.

It looked like a bubble tip but none of the tips were bubbled out like they should have been cause it didn't have proper lighting, and for 50 bucks naaaa

Thanks for all the help I'll refer to this post as I will need it when I finally do get a rbta

Which is better a rbta or a gbta
eah I didn't even end up getting the gbta cause it looked like crap I wish I would have took a picture.

It looked like a bubble tip but none of the tips were bubbled out like they should have been cause it didn't have proper lighting, and for 50 bucks naaaa

Thanks for all the help I'll refer to this post as I will need it when I finally do get a rbta

Which is better a rbta or a gbta

Bubble tips are not a sign of good or bad health. I have had my RBTA for about a year and a half(maybe longer) now and rarely are the tips bubbled..
Bubble tips are not a sign of good or bad health. I have had my RBTA for about a year and a half(maybe longer) now and rarely are the tips bubbled

i agree, some of them do the bubbles some not :p
My friend has a pair of ocellaris clowns and has never seen them once in his Bta. Tomatoes always stay in them and Clarkii's accept pretty much any pacific anemone really well.
I had him put a f perc in there with the bubble tip and of acted like it didn't even see it. I know they don't typically swim straight to them but I aint have the 50 bucks to just throw away.

With my luck my clowns would have ignored also