Willing to pay to have some one set up my tank

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Female Hermit crab
Jul 21, 2008
Tacoma WA
OK here is the deal, i have a 29 gal tank that has been up and running for 6 months now i have two fish and a cleaner shrimp. And i have some nice lights that i would think could support whatever i wanted. I have test kits and some chemicals that take daily dosing.

I am looking for some one to help me set up. I would like to have some thing that i dont have to mess with every day i dont mind having to feed whats inside the tank but i DO NOT want to mess with chemicals not to mention my brain couldnt handle it. I (you) am looking to make something that will dose the tank and do a water top off at the same time? See again i need some one on one advice.

I have read and read and read about setting it up but i just dont want to do it and do it wrong or have something not work or mess something up. Its all to confusing too.

So i am willing to pay some one (preferably a chick) to hold my hand and tell me what i need to buy and help me set it up in person. Just show me what to do and i'll do it i just need to be shown the ropes. Im not a read and learn type of person.

Sorry dont mean to sound rude, just not too bright. lol

I am in South Tacoma.

Thanks for any help!
Theres so many nice folks on here that I think would love to help you but you gotta ask em nicely and I dunno too many "chicks" as you say, that are going to be into reefs and if they were I dont think they would wanna come out and do what you need. good luck :)
OK here is the deal, i have a 29 gal tank that has been up and running for 6 months now i have two fish and a cleaner shrimp. And i have some nice lights that i would think could support whatever i wanted. I have test kits and some chemicals that take daily dosing.

I am looking for some one to help me set up. I would like to have some thing that i dont have to mess with every day i dont mind having to feed whats inside the tank but i DO NOT want to mess with chemicals not to mention my brain couldnt handle it. I (you) am looking to make something that will dose the tank and do a water top off at the same time? See again i need some one on one advice.

I have read and read and read about setting it up but i just dont want to do it and do it wrong or have something not work or mess something up. Its all to confusing too.

So i am willing to pay some one (preferably a chick) to hold my hand and tell me what i need to buy and help me set it up in person. Just show me what to do and i'll do it i just need to be shown the ropes. Im not a read and learn type of person.

Sorry dont mean to sound rude, just not too bright. lol

I am in South Tacoma.

Thanks for any help!

Sadly there aren't too many of fairer sex in this hobby so if you want a "chick" helper you might find it challenging.

For a tank with just 2 fish and a cleaner shrimp, I can't imagine it needing much in ways of dosing or supplements. What exactly did you want to keep in this tank? This will dictate what if any dosing is needed.

A simple auto topoff is all you need for a fish only tank.
I would like to turn it into a reef. I would like to have corals and maybe some day anamones.
I would like to turn it into a reef. I would like to have corals and maybe some day anamones.

Hmm... What kind of corals? SPS, LPS, or softies?

SPS corals are the hardest to keep since they require pristine water, high lighting, high flow, and a stable calcium/alkalinity balance. They are however IMO the most corlourful and give the reef tank and real reef look.

Then there is LPS which are large polyped corals that although do require some high lighting and decent water quality, aren't as demanding as SPS.

The softies/soft corals that are pretty easy but they aren't IMO as interesting or colourful.

Anemones well... You might want to do a lot more research on them before deciding to keep one. They can be quite demanding depending on the type.

I think if you want a "reef" tank and not wanting to do much of it yourself then your best bet would be a soft coral tank.
Well i plan on starting out with something easy and once i get the hang of it and then go from there.

So i will probly be starting with soft corals. I dont mind spending money on some nice looking corals that are easy to take care of. I dont want ugly so i am willing to spend some extra cash to get pretty. lol
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Softies and maybe after a bit some LPS would suit you well.
SPS are very pretty but SOOOO super sensitive, and spendy.
You wouldn't want to get a big colony or even a rare SPS frag and just watch it die.

Softies have a variety of colors and ZOO's come in about every color out there.
as do LPS.
I will for sure start with softies and zoos. I dont mind spending the money on nice colored ones either.

So if any one has some sugguestions on some colorful softies and zoos PLEASE feel free to suggest! I am making a list!. lol

Softies and maybe after a bit some LPS would suit you well.
SPS are very pretty but SOOOO super sensitive, and spendy.
You wouldn't want to get a big colony or even a rare SPS frag and just watch it die.

Softies have a variety of colors and ZOO's come in about every color out there.
as do LPS.
tub blues
ked reds
Fire and ice
purple people eaters
Mohawk plays

GO to zoaid.com and look at there zoos lots of different colors there
Got ya!

Now i went and looked at the zoos and found some really cool ones but i am having a reallly hard time finding some decent looking soft corals. Im looking for bright but easy to care for and everything seems really dull in color.

Any suggetions there? Anyone?
Try aome of the finger leathers, ALot depends on your lighting for the colors too,
Atantics or MH's bring out alot of "glow" in softies.
Even the brightest of bright zoos and SPS look dull under really yellow lighting.
6500k is good for growth but the higher kelven rating bulbs look better to us!
What lights are you running right now??