Worm ID

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Keeper of the algae
Jul 8, 2008
Spanaway, WA
Ok I have a quick question. I was just looking in my tank with a flashlight and seen this worm that looked like a centipead. Is there a place that you can go with pictures so I can try to ID it. It was about the same size around as a pencil and I couldnt tell how long it was. I know it has a mouth on it about the same size as its body because it opened it up when I put the light on it. I dont know the color of it because I had a red lens on it.
Nope this isnt a bristle worm. In the 5+ years of reef keeping I have never seen one like this. Last night after writing this post I went back and looked in my tank again. And guess what there it was. Coming out of the rock streched out about 14" or more and was stiff as a board. That must have ment there there must have been at least that much or more still in the rock for him to strech that far out. It was sitting there waiting for things to go by and was staping at them. As soon as it seen the light from my flashlight it quickly went back into the rock. Well I ended up just pulling the rock from my tank last night. I would rather play it safe than sorry. If I have to I will break up the rock just to get it out so I can get a good ID on this sucker.
Wow, we would like to see pics too when you get it out.

From the sounds of it, its not a fire worm either
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Tike thanks for the link that was the one that I was looking for but couldnt remember it. The closet one that I could find on there is Eunicids "Rock worms". Its close to them but not quite they have alot of legs close together this one didnt. They were more spaced out. I plan on breaking up the rock tonight and when I do I will take pictures of it when I get it out.