xenia dying---nitrates---water changes?

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Jan 16, 2006
ford city pa
I had a problem with my nitrates. They were very high, in the red on the AP test kit. Probably around 80 PPM. they were very low before i skipped some water changes. I have a 125 with a 30-gal sump and 20-gal refugium. I did no water changes in November and December. It was the holidays and had a inefficient way of changing water. Mixing up five 5 gal. Bottles to change water...very tedious.
So I bought a 30 gal Rubbermaid trash can and mix the water and salt in this. I match up the temp, salinity, and pH. I did 7 water changes, One every other day. My Nitrates dropped to below 10. It’s hard to tell with AP’ s test kits. I also cleaned all my pumps and sump out.
I was using kalkwasser about every other night. My calcium was about 420 to 430 before the water changes. Then it dropped to 360-370ppm.
Then one week after the water changes, I changed my light cycle on my fuge to be on all night. I dripped my calcium like I always do and added some iodine (I add iodine about every 10 days).
here are my tank specs...
Tank—125 gal.
Refugium---20 gal (half full)
Sump----30 gal (half full)
mag 9.5---returns water back to tank from sump
rio 2100? it pumps about 700 gal per hour...just to move water in tank
1 small pwr head in the back of tank.
4 drilled holes in tank
1 large overflow box
165# of rock
3” aragonite sand
2-yellow tangs
2 coral beauty’s
2 engineer gobbies
2 6 line wrass
5 damsels
1 clown
1 scooter blend
2 pink tip anenome
1 rock anenome
2 feather dusters
3 brittle stars
1 cleaner shrimp
1 sally light foot
2 coral banded shrimp
30+blue hermit crabs
50+ snails
1-zoo polyp (30 polyps)

So here is the problem…The next day after changing my light cycle my xenia’s shrunk and looked terrible. They were doing fine and spreading like crazy. I had most of them for 3 months. And some for 6 months.
The zoo’s were about 6 months old. I bought it with 13 polyps it really started to take off.
Now it looks like the xenia is dead. The zoos are all shrunken in. one coral-banded shrimp died. The anenomes look sick; the feathers don’t look that great. I also had 2 big snails that died (not sure of name)
My copepods in the fuge look fine.
The water seems to look a little cloudy.
I have a ets skimmer, and run the water through a floss filter i made in my sump. I change this weekly. No other bio balls or anything like that.
My levels measured are:
PH- 8.2 to 8.4 (AP test hard to tell exact)
Nitrates under 10
Calcium 370
Temp 78.5
Iodine—could not even read a measurement using salifert test.

Any ideas what went wrong? Did I maybe get a pH spike from my lights not being off? I messed up bad!!!
I hope I gave enough info...sorry so long.
My lfs store says hold off on any more water changes.
Any help or thoughts would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance
Do you have an alkalinity test kit.
With calcium fluctuations you will also have alkalinity fluctuations and with the addition of kalk I would suspect low alkalinity is a real possibility

What brand of salt do you use, did you recently change?
I just purchased all 14 salifert test kits on ebay.
I am not positive that they are all good or not...no expiration dates.
But anyway I measured my alkalinity and it was at 9 dkh/ and 3 meg/l
and the pH read about 8.1
The calcium seemed to climb by about 10 PPM...I have not dosed any kalk.
I use Instant Ocean; never changed...the tank has been running 1 year.

I lost one more coral-banded shrimp and I have noticed about 2 or 3 dead blue leg crabs...

I scraped all of my xenias off the rock...they were starting to fall apart.
It looked like I had a trace amount of ammonia so I put some carbon in my filter...I usually don’t run carbon. But if I do, I put it in for about a week.

Its getting worse...
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sarupp I think you have your time zone set incorrectly and its causing the posts to be out of order
fixed the time zone...lol
i am on the water changes...and i was checking those poly filters out the other day...they are pricey at the LFS
Found the problem.... My azoo silica heater split in 2. It was broke for maybe for 7 to 10 days before I found it.
I am running carbon to help clear the tank out of any contaminants.
Will this work?
No doubt they are proud of the poly filters but they really are worth it when you need them.
If you have any remnants left in your tank a poly filter is your best bet for being able to remove the largest spectrum of pollutants including metals. Water changes will work through dilution "and you should do some" but it can take quite some time.

Glad you are back on track.
my LFS has some type poly filters that turn blue if their is traces of copper in my system. I will pick up some tonight and give it a try. and yes i will continues changing 30 gallons a week to dilute it as much as possible.
Thanks for you help reefreak.

Check online stores. You'll be able to get some deals on polyfilters. LFS's around me want $14.00 for the smallest sized ones.