Xenia Fading Away

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Jun 3, 2004
Southeastern MI
My Xenia is slowly fading away & I can't figure out why?
My water is as follows;
SG 1.024
Temp 78~79 degrees
PH = 8.3
Alk = 3.66 meg/l
Ca = 430
Mg = 1500
Po4 = 0.03
Iodine = 0.03
NH3 = 0
No2 = 0
I need to get a new No3 test kit, But it has always been <1 (usually around 0.2~0.5)
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Here's a pic from about two months ago! I don't have a camera right now to show the difference in size! But its less than 1/2 its original size now?
of the many possible reasons (chemistry aside for which yours looks good by the numbers offered)... a common reason for "shrinking" is an increase in light as with a change in bulbs (new lamps or cleaning the dust off old ones), sudden use/changing of carbon or a large overdue water change that increases water clarity, etc.

Else... I'd look to "poisoning" by an aggressive neighbor coral (within 6" or so) that has been errantly permitted to encroach (corallimorphs, starpolyp and most LPS corals are especially aggressive)
Mine fades away about every other full moon(no joke) Xenia is a weird one, in some tanks it grows like mad in others it does so so. If it does start to die, just cut the top(dead part) off-and it will regrow. I have been doing this for over 2 years now and it grows back then dies then grows back, etc.... My water parimeters are similar to yours (nitrates higher 12.5ppm) and I have had the set up for 2+ years same result every 3 months. I do know they like the higher nitrates to feed on. Good luck
Anthony Calfo said:
sudden use/changing of carbon
That could be one reason! I did Start using Black Diamond carbon about a month ago. I was using Purigen but went with the carbon because of the price.
Anthony Calfo said:
an increase in light as with a change in bulbs (new lamps or cleaning the dust off old ones)
If anything I may need new PC bulbs (about 8 months old)

I do a weekly 20% water change & all my other soft corals Zoa's & Polyps are doing great!

I think I'll stop the carbon & see if that helps!
Mine fades away about every other full moon(no joke) Xenia is a weird one, in some tanks it grows like mad in others it does so so. If it does start to die, just cut the top(dead part) off-and it will regrow. I have been doing this for over 2 years now and it grows back then dies then grows back, etc.... My water parimeters are similar to yours (nitrates higher 12.5ppm) and I have had the set up for 2+ years same result every 3 months. I do know they like the higher nitrates to feed on. Good luck
I do a weekly 20% water change & all my other soft corals Zoa's & Polyps are doing great!

that seems a little too much JMHO-you are removing the good as well as the bad
yikes... don't quit the carbon, bro! Carbon is not the problem, the lack of water clarity and sudden increase was the problem. Kneejerking by stopping the use of carbon and allowing the (sudden) decrease in water clarity is a bad move.

Please keep up with the carbon and the water changes. This is just good husbandry :)
Xenia absorb some of their nutrients directly from the water, so heavy carbon filtering and skimming may be reason for shrinking. I don`t use carbon, my light is poor (3x18 W T8 on 160 l), and my Xenia growing is good. Also pH is just 8.1.
How much flow are you getting? I know if my Xenia is not getting enough current it deflates, collapses, and looks like it is going to die. I either move it or redirect the current. It won't pulse under heavy current, but it seems to get inflated and start looking good in no time. Given a few days, the current can be reduced and Xenia should look healthy again.
Anthony Calfo said:
yikes... don't quit the carbon, bro!
I was thinking of going back to the Purigen?
pdldude said:
that seems a little too much JMHO-you are removing the good as well as the bad
Yea I have read good & bad about doing weekly water changes. It seems to work for me because I tend to overfeed my tank.
JasonD said:
How much flow are you getting?
I have about 800gph from the return pump & 3 powerheads for a total of around 1500gph for a 65 gal tank! I have tried to direct more flow towards them & just stayed closed up!
Why are you doing 20% weekly water changes if you water parimeters are fine??? This make no sense to me!! 20% seems crazy unless you are WAY overstocked and dont have a good skimmer and you like to waste money(even if you over feed). Like I said before,

Mine fades away about every other full moon(no joke) Xenia is a weird one, in some tanks it grows like mad in others it does so so.
pdldude said:
Why are you doing 20% weekly water changes if you water parimeters are fine???
I tend to believe that’s why my water parameters are as good as they are!

Well actually its more like a 16% WC every 10 days! I just rounded it off to 20% weekly. I have a total system of about 130 gallons & I lose about 2 gpd from evaporation & running my skimmer wet. My top-off system holds twenty gallons so in about ten days I need to refill it. I usually fill the tank up overnight then mix my salt before I go to work, The storage tank has a powerhead & heater in it so by the time I get home it’s mixed & heated up then I just do the WC. The next night I let it fill again & I’m set for another 10 days. Yea it may be a little bit of overkill & added expense but I feel it’s worth it. I’ve tried it every second tank or about every three weeks & I get high Po4 & No3 readings not to mention algae out breaks!
to discourage someone from doing water changes is... ignorant (as in not-knowing).

Professional aquarists, hatcheries, fisheries and skilled hobbyists worldwide have long since demonstrated the needs and the why's for water changes.

Only new or narrow minded aquarists still ponder or doubt the need for it.

It truly disappoints me to see bad advice perpetuated :(
JasonD, no strong current in tank. As I wrote, my tank is only 160 lit (36 gallons) and for current I use Eheim wet/dry 2227 canister - 1000 l/h and Aquarium Systems PH 1200 - 1100 l/h (for skimmer). No direct current into Xenia. PO4 is little higher and some brown alga film on substrate is developed.
Anthony Calfo said:
the lack of water clarity and sudden increase was the problem.
Well I have come to the conclusion that these xenia are not coming back! They keep wasting away more & more every day. Tomorrow I’m going to remove all of them & place them in my quarantine tank and see what happens. All of my other corals seem to be doing great! It’s just the 5~6 stalks of xenia that are shrinking.
Any suggestions on treatment or conditions to keep the QT at? My QT is just a 10 gal with a 32-watt 50/50 PC bulb, small whisper filter, heater & UGF with a powerhead & about 25lbs of CC.
as with most all Xeniids, focus on high and stable pH and alkalinity. Nothing less than 8.3 minimum (thats a night-time low... the lowest time of day. Daytime can go to 8.5 or higher, no worries) and alkalinity at least 8dKH (10-12dKH preferably).

I do also like small daily doses of iodine for supporting RedOx and antimicrobial properties... even if the iodine is not directly used significantly by Xeniids.

Lighting should be high for pom pom white varieties... but most others are highly adaptable.
Anthony Calfo said:
focus on high and stable pH and alkalinity. Nothing less than 8.3 minimum (thats a night-time low... the lowest time of day. Daytime can go to 8.5 or higher, no worries) and alkalinity at least 8dKH (10-12dKH preferably).

Sounds like a plan to me! I'm going to be doing a WC today anyway so I will just use the old water to get the QT to the same conditions as the main tank.