Xenia question

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Oct 19, 2006
We've had a pulsing Xenia frag (2 stalks) for about 48hrs now and each night when the lights go off it closes its "hands" and remains that way until the next morning. It also hasn't started to "pump" yet. It is the pink variety.

Since this is our first coral...what's normal...what else can we do? The water quality is fine...Temp 78, SG 1.023, Ca 425ppm, ALK - will test today, Nitrate 0.:confused:
Well the closing at night is very normal mine did it everynight and would then expand in the morning.

As for them not pumping it could be due to the flow. Are they in a high or low flow area? Xenia tend to do best in a low flow high light area. Some will grow in higher flow areas but for the most part the do best in low flow.

Xenia need iodine to thrive. I believe that Iodine is one of their basic elements. Are you dosing your tank with any type of supplements?

Your tank is at 78* which is good for xenia but any higher and you will lose them. If i were i would lower your temp a degree or two.
hoiw can 1.023 be low when thats the oceans sal level
i also disagree with low flow i find xenia to to well in medium to strong flow at the lfs he has a tank full of xenia and they grow right in front of his tunze then get pulesed with a huge surge all the time
also xeina can stop pulse for no reason at all
xenia pulse to catch as much light as possible and in a hi lit tank they dont have to pump to get there light requirement
Raise your salinity to 1.025 and I also agree that Xenia do just fine with temps above 78. This past summer, my tank was up to 84 and Xenia was thriving and pulsing like crazy. As for salinity, the oceans of the world vary from 33-37 ppt, with 35 ppt being the average. (1.020-1.029) with 1.025 being about the average, and about the average for most successful reef systems.
I agree rasie your salinity to 1.025. Also agree that it does better in lower flow.
hoiw can 1.023 be low when thats the oceans sal level

Natural Sea Water=35 salinity or 1.2632 sg, mate. Every ion that constitutes the make up of NSW is in specific proportions, the lower the main ions, the lower everything else is going to be. Fine for a fish only system but not for a reef set up. As for lighting, xenia are found every where on the reef. Lighting does not seem to be as important as other factors for this species.
wow, you guys coverd that all from ever witch way...

agreed with the light.
dissagreed with the flow... Ive hurd moderate flow (not constint)

80 is a good temp.

salt closer to 26, then 23.

trust your own refractometer........ go in to the ocean get a month full of salt water. (then test) then go home and taste your tank (and test)

your mouth will provide you with the best results.... LOL
Nobody mentioned that xenia do best in high nutrient water. They dont pulse for the light they pulse to get food. They also do best with med. current moving all the way around them,not just over them. The tank they are in deffinatly needs iodine whether supplimented or natural. It will adapt to just about any lighting as long as it dosnt move from bright light to dim light or vice versa quickly. I have seen xenia do well in salinity as low as 1.020 and as high as 1.030. I have also seen it in many different temp's. It depends on the strain.

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From everything I've read and researched....no one really knows why Xenia pulse...why they stop pulsing or why they'll go from not pulsing in one person's tank to pulsing in another....or vice versa. Scientists are still trying to figure it out. They have theories but have pretty much come to the decision that they don't know....yet.

theres proly a bunch of stuff, that they say they know. (but really dont)

whats the scienctific name?
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We've had a pulsing Xenia frag (2 stalks) for about 48hrs now and each night when the lights go off it closes its "hands" and remains that way until the next morning. It also hasn't started to "pump" yet. It is the pink variety.

Since this is our first coral...what's normal...what else can we do? The water quality is fine...Temp 78, SG 1.023, Ca 425ppm, ALK - will test today, Nitrate 0.:confused:

Son of a beo-tch. Pink you say. How close are the frags to the lighting? You may have Anthelia. A friend had a "blue xenia" when in fact it was anthelia. Google it, but what I've read pulsing is not it's strong suit. Xenia usually come in shades of brown or white. Anthelia is a deeper water cousin who have been known to come in other colors.
I just got some Xenia of the pink variety too. It is night bout each little flower is acting like a nonstop hand. I hope it survives as it is my first animal other than Zoo's.

I believe they filter out nitrates and phosphates. It would be interesting if there were a study that showed exactly how much a colony was capable of remvoing.
Good luck with the xenia, and like Returnofsid said, they spread like wildfire. I have mine on a "island" in the sand to keep it from spreading to my main rockwork. If I didn't, Im pretty sure Id havea 40 gollan tank compltely covered in xenia in a year in a half.
Well.. tha nks it is in an isolated area on a mini-island :) I am glad to get all the info I can.

Thanks so much and Merry Christmas