Yellow Tang and Purple Tang together?

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Well-known member
Aug 30, 2007
Is there anyone that has yellow tang with purple tang in the same tank? I have 2 yellow tangs together and they are very peaceful. I wonder if I can add a purple tang.
first of all, how big is your tank?? i wouldn't recommend trying it, but i have seen it done before in larger tanks.. every now and then you may be able to get some that aren't as temperamental, but every fish is different.
first of all, how big is your tank?? i wouldn't recommend trying it, but i have seen it done before in larger tanks.. every now and then you may be able to get some that aren't as temperamental, but every fish is different.

I have a 155 reef tank with lots of rocks and caves.
if you already have 2 yellows, it will make it more of a risk..normally the purples are more aggressive..the yellows already have established territory, so it might humble the purple some.(or the yellows could attack it)..if you get one, i would try to get one that is the same size as the yellows
if you already have 2 yellows, it will make it more of a risk..normally the purples are more aggressive..the yellows already have established territory, so it might humble the purple some.(or the yellows could attack it)..if you get one, i would try to get one that is the same size as the yellows

Sounds right. Thanks, Ronj.
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How large of a purple tang are you looking for? I have one that is about 4" that I might be getting rid of soon.
you might want to have a backup plan to get rid of the purple tang if they end up trying to kill each other.. i have kept tangs together that supposedly can't be kept together, but i just got lucky.. hopefully yours will be one that isn't extremely aggressive.
you might want to have a backup plan to get rid of the purple tang if they end up trying to kill each other.. i have kept tangs together that supposedly can't be kept together, but i just got lucky.. hopefully yours will be one that isn't extremely aggressive.

Yeah.. Based on what they said it's very risky though. I just hope that my yellow ones are peaceful as they have been... and the new purple one is smaller and less aggresive since he's a new commer...
My experience over the years is that tangs do well either individually or in groups of 3 or more. 2 tangs together is often a sure recipie for fights...I'm suprised you are able to house 2 yellow tangs peacefully together!:D I have also noticed that the size of the tangs seems to make a difference...there seemed to be more aggression when they were all similarly sized as opposed to a mix of different sizes....not sure why that is, but that has always been my observation with them....

one way to get tangs to get along is that you introduce them into the tank might have a hard time catching your 2 yellow tangs if you have a reef but if you can trap your two yellows along with your purple tang in a temporary holding bin...(a wallmart 10 gallon tote bin will do) the fish will not fight as they will be more concerned about where they are. leave them in the bin with an air stone for atleast an hour, while you are waiting, move a few rocks around in your tank....then after about 30 minutes....add all three tangs in together...the old yellows have now become new to the tank again and all three fish have to resestablish territory....therefore the aggression will be minimized.....
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Thank you, my emperor has almost changed it's happened within 1-2 months...all the tangs are super fat and eating well...they will sometimes squabble but only for a death match..the purple and the yellows school back and forth it's awesome. i just added about 17 blue damsel and they skool in my 100 gal tank; wow...its sooo beautiful...all eating well and getting along...i've only feed in my tank very thin nori i bought at the asian market pretty cheap and Tetramin Ocean fish food- pellets, thats it.

some photos: