Yellow Tang or Six Line?

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Thanks for the responses. I was kind of figuring that a full grown Tang wouldn't be comfortable in my 55 corner. However, people have told me that they 've bought baby tangs that even after a couple years stayed modestly sized in a large tank. I was hoping I might get lucky and get one of these guys that just didn't grow too much. Does anybody have any other suggestions for other fish that will do okay with current inhabitants? Oh, my tank is not completely covered either, so jumpers might be a problem.
yellow striped maroon clowns are a nice addition...imo...but they may not like your other "common" clown
how could you tell???? lol... also,you weren't wrong to call it a blue tang, although there is an atlantic blue tang.... yours is refered to as a blue tang, hippo tang, regal tang ,pacific blue tang, palette surgeonfish, and probably a few others...
yes, they are... i hope your system is parasite free...if it is not, he will be the first to let you know!!!!! they can contract it very easily..don't quote me, but i think it is because they are " scaleless" fish...
Well, I don't think any system is totally parasite free. I do believe my tank is pretty healthy though. I'll keep close watch on him and I've not got my QT tank up and running. My last battle with Ich taught me a lot of I'm just finishing the hypo salinity in the other tank. Starting to raise the salinity back up to normal over time.
i dont agree. once you get to around 55 gal. id say if you have enough lr ALOT OF IT. you can keep one. studies show that yellow tangs swim all day in search of algae flats. and if they find i good source will stay there for weeks ontill the algae is gone. my point is. if your tank has and is growing enough algae. i think it can hold a yt. id look up the algaes that grow in the area the yt youre getting comes from and fill your tank with them. also lots of feedings. id say nori everyday.

I have a Yellow Tang in a 55gal standard. And he's happy now but definitly uses all 48" of tank length for swimming and he can also swim around the rocks without stopping and go around the back. Corner tank too small. Even if the fish looks great would be stressful IMO