Yellow Tang wanting to eat carnivore

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So far, I've had great luck feeding Grape Caluerpa to my Yellow Tang and my Foxface Lo. I have it growing in a 10 gallon "Pod" tank. I pull out clumps of it and rubberband it to the rocks in the display tanks. They LOVE it. I've been doing it for about 6 months now. Several people warned me away from doing it on the grounds that the Caluerpa would take hold and over run my tank. So far, I've not seen a sign of it anywhere in the tank, other than where I put it to feed. A feed a clump that's about half the size of my fist about every 4 days. It's always gone in 2 days. The other day I did see my Turbo Snail munchin' on it as well. When I started this process, I watched both fish to make sure they were eating it. At first, they ignored it...then started nibbling after about a week. Now they devour it!! So far, it's growing faster in my "pod" tank than I'm feeding it so it's a ready food supply. BTW, this is in 2 different tanks and I've still not seen any Caleurpa growing in either tank.
well this is what i want to do i have a ity bity tank that i use for noting and will use that for growing soem it is like a quart big.
Have you tried the seaweed select marine algae? It's like 5 bucks at the lfs and my sailfin, and foxface love the stuff. As far as the pestacides I have tried feeding broccoli and was wondering if that is a bad idea?
I think, like Don says, there is a chance that the broccoli would have been treated with pesticides. The risk is there.
My Tang (the one in my avatar) still accepts veggies. My problem is that the four chromis I have are getting skinny with me feeding mostly seaweed and when I do feed mysis my yellow tang eats all the mysis first.

I will work on the problem.
Thanks for the input.
I think, like Don says, there is a chance that the broccoli would have been treated with pesticides. The risk is there.
Yes their is a risk .. but to be frank there isn't any meaningful regulation controlling any of the std commercial food we stick in our tanks and none of our test kits can measure pesticides or many other contaminants that may be used in processing fish food.

In the long run I suggest feeding your fish whatever veggies are required to keep them healthy .. while keeping in mind that those "veggies" are the same things we place in our fuges to suck up phosphate/nitrates and that placing them back into our tanks as food is a two edge sword.
this is what i just started to do to get rid fo the pesticide problem.

i started a little vegtibale farm and my parents wanted it and when i get some left over veggies i give it to my yellow tang and i just started and all the plants died but iam going to start it again.