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Ok this happened today while I was on my lunch break at work, I went to a local fish and chips restaurant, and while I was eating I noticed this huge picture on the wall of a fishing boat and wondered what the salinity of the water was. I imediately thought (why are you thinking that?). I need help...
here's another one... you go to the LFS even though you have a fever and possible stomach flu. I feel like crap but I had to get some speghetti alage for my sump today since they are not open mon-tues. I wish I could call in sick tomorrow.
ok may be i am going insane but ohh well :p ..

when you look at flowers/ gardens and instead you see and start comparing them to corals :lol: ,
When your marine biology teacher, after a statement, stops and asks you if that sounds right...

dusk to dawn

How bout when your dimmer is acomplished by first turning off the tank light and turning on the hall light,then an hour later turning off the hall light and turning on the bathroom light,then an hour later turning off the bathroom light and finishing with the kitchen light that has a blue shirt draped over it.
-You spend an hour looking for two snails that are somewhere in your tank!
-You develop carpal tunnel from typing forums for reef tanks.
-The UPS and Fedex guys know you personally from delievering sooo much stuff to the house.
-People look at you strange when you say things like "live rock" and "sump".
-You wonder for hours....were the hell are those snails! Plus check the overflow, the sump, the skimmer and return section 15 times.

I love this hobby. Thanks all.

My live rock was my Christmas present. When saying I got rocks for Christmas my female family members were all "Oh! What kind of jewelry did he get you?" I explainded it was for a reef tank and they tended to look at me pityingly as if I was mildly retarded for being very happy with the gift I got. :lol:
I can picture those looks too -from my family- who already know I am a nut. Fortunatly I have one friend who really appreciates live rock and the diversity of life on it. The only problem now is she "wants one". Hehehe. She ain't gettin' one soon. a nano out of the trash (it's in great shape and am think what it would take to set it up for her even though I will be eatin hot dogs for a month if I do this!
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My live rock was my Christmas present. When saying I got rocks for Christmas my female family members were all "Oh! What kind of jewelry did he get you?" I explainded it was for a reef tank and they tended to look at me pityingly as if I was mildly retarded for being very happy with the gift I got.

LMAO!!!that's a good one :lol:
Ok I gotta bump this one, keep it going...

OK so tonight I made a nice steak and lobster dinner with a bottle of dom peringon or however you spell it. So the kids are asleep and we're eating and its going great. I get up take some of my lobster put it in my food processor and with a cup of salt water from my tank I put it in there and the fish go nuts. My wife yells at me and says can we have a nice dinner without you messing with your tank. Yeah kinda sad huh?
Okay everyone too funny... I have to add a picture to my story. We all love pictures...

Anyway, I promise to have mother's day (my mother) early at our place last night and even promise to help with dinner. I head to the store to buy the main ingredients. Seafood it is... fresh king salmon and a home made dungy crab bisque. NO... nothing from the tank but before dinner I just had to clean my sump filters (why do you have to do it now?). Look honey... I found this is in my sump! I think it's a Copapod! I am not sure which kind.... I have to check my notes from PSAS meeting with Adelaide... WHAT? Hang on... I gotta get a picture of it!

Of course positive ID please!
