zoa combos

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Well-known member
Apr 26, 2010
not realy sure how genetic drift ocurrs in zoa colonies, kind of a zoa ignoramus.
put greenbay packers next to whammin watermelons and the finaly grew together a few weeks ago.
so today 3 of the GBP have orange mouths! its been a slow progresion, first 1 than, the 2 touching the first changed color. the first one has darkend considerably in the last day or so and the second 2 seem to be following suite.
is this how zoas morph?
anyone else in the area have there own homemade combos?
just wondering
yea i have nuclear deaths( nuke green + purple deaths)
gobstopping nipples( gobstoppers + gorilla nipples)
mint zippers (pink zippers + mint chocolate chip)
lol just a couple i played with. i have found that once you try to frag out morph it changes back to either or......fun to make
i dont have these anymore,these was long ago
Didnt know zoas can cross breed! Sweet! Ill have to keep an eye on mine since one small colony i have has a few different types on it.
From what I have read, once the colony has grown into each other, and you notice a change in one, if you frag that one out it will maintain that coloration throughout the new colony.