Recent content by bigblue141

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. bigblue141

    It's been a long time and I'm at a loss

    Came home from a business trip and found a new to us 55 gallon saltwater aquarium in the house. There's no overflow or refugium, but there's 2 hang off the back filters. Since the door was open, I'll be looking for a 220+ reef tank again, but I'd like to make sure the clowns live until I make...
  2. bigblue141

    Summer Plans.

    Todd! Long time no talk. I'm in Wyoming now? Miss all you guys in the sound.
  3. bigblue141

    Operation military service member identifier

    Welcome. These are really great people on this forum. The sponsors are great too. Tons and tons of knowledge is in the forums as well. Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk 2
  4. bigblue141

    Deploying & moving

    Salt lake city. Ball and chain = wife, or she got rid of me rather. I miss you and your store to rob. Sorry I did not get a chance to see your new store before I left. Take care and I will see you again Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk 2
  5. bigblue141

    New Family Addition

    I think they claim 9 or so. 5 People in 4 beds and a couch bed and the dinette bed. I miss my camper too:( Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk 2
  6. bigblue141

    Deploying & moving

    Wow been a year since I've been on rf. Amazing how time flies. I live outside of Slc now if anyone is ever down this way and needs anything. No more ball and chain, so I'm free to do as I please:D Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk 2
  7. bigblue141

    Operation military service member identifier

    Bump just to get this to the top for any more service members past or present. Sent using my Droid X using TapaTalk on Whidbey Island
  8. bigblue141

    ~North Sound Reefers~ Coral-data Bank

    Link it from your exell document. Sent using my Droid X using TapaTalk on Whidbey Island
  9. bigblue141

    ~North Sound Reefers~ Coral-data Bank

    To keep your file size down and to greatly increase your work load you can start up a NSR photobucket or similar account account password protect it. Sent using my Droid X using TapaTalk on Whidbey Island
  10. bigblue141

    List of Members

    How about an inactive reserve member? I leave for IA in Oct for 14 months. Sorry i haven't been around, just been a little busy... Sent using my Droid X using TapaTalk on Whidbey Island
  11. bigblue141

    live rock on the internet

    I didn't mind "rolling" the dice and purchased pieces of LR from local retailers. I got the exact rocks I wanted and was very happy with the selection I attained over the couple of years I had my tank before it was given away while I was deployed...
  12. bigblue141

    Deploying & moving

    South Todd, I'll look for a nice watering hole near a meeting one of these days. :) And thank you for the welcome backs everyone else.
  13. bigblue141

    Deploying & moving

    Thanks Rob! You're the man. I will swing by the next time I'm in the area to check out your new store. Here's to keeping my fingers crossed for a nice mild summer for you.
  14. bigblue141

    Deploying & moving

    Well I'm back home now and the jerk off said he changed his mind about giving my tank back... But he offered to sell it back to me for $1500... Again, thanks for everyone that helped, and to anyone that loaned out equipment, let me know what I owe you since he wants $$$ to give anything...
  15. bigblue141

    Summer Plans.

    N Todd: I think a research joint would be cool too. S Todd: I'll give u a ring in April when I'm back for a while. Sent using my Droid X using TapaTalk in San Diego