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  1. T

    Agae scrubbers? Are they worth the trouble?

    does it matter the placement in the system? before or after the skimmer? is this going to make a needed? well for macro? if so what else can I use to cultivate pods? What about the pods? I have a huge population. Due to not having any Fish and 2 bottles of tiger pods. I like the...
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    Powder Blue Tang; NOW HAS STRIPES?

    No, just getting it straight how long my DT has to be fish free, well new addition free. I got that about the stripes. Thank you to all
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    Agae scrubbers? Are they worth the trouble?

    I've been kicking around the idea of constuctind an Algae scrubber. Sounded like a good concept, just not sure if it would be something for me? I HAD an algae bloom, took care of it with some chemi-pure elite and crabs and snails. Now the only place I have algae growing is were I want it, in...
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    Powder Blue Tang; NOW HAS STRIPES?

    So, it's really a 8 week NO NEW ADDITONS? That is because the water on the new add may have MI on it? Sorry, how long should any new addition be quarentened for? corals and fish? Honestly, I could do without fish, but the kids like to see them swimming around. They don't appreciate the corals...
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    black mold?

    Don't give up, it will be worth it in the end. If you get the nutrients under control, good lighting, and good flow, you can whoop it. Syphon it out, it is a good export and isn't too hard to suck up. A turkey baister works good to spot clean without removing too much water. Leaving the lights...
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    110V don't hurt, just tickles. 9000V(Nine thousand) hand to hand hurts! LOL, bad experience with a Neon sign transformer! Any way, glad to here you got it going. A good trick when doing any electrical work, KEEP ONE HAND IN YOUR BACK POCKET, electricity can't get to your heart...
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    Random thought on canister filters....

    IMO, Media reactor(carbon). I would think a canister would be just too small for any kind of fuge. Also, wouldn't it be kind of a pain having to open the top to see whats going on? Or as stated above, having to kill sponges to keep the flow going. And canisters tends to accumulate air, this is...
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    ID for Weird Purple Algae please

    Said to be some pretty bad stuff, hard rid of. Seems light deprivation is one of the best methods, said manual removal helps spread it. May want to try to find something to eat it.
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    ID for Weird Purple Algae please

    [/URL][/IMG] Is this it? Asparagopsis taxiformis, if that is the same stuff?
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    ID for Weird Purple Algae please

    Sorry, what are your lights? And how old are your bulbs?
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    ID for Weird Purple Algae please

    What are your PO4 levels? Is there anyway you can get a better pic of the texture and shape of the "algae". Maybe pull a small peice of rock out, in a small bucket of water to show the shape and texture? Does it come off in a mat, or peices? By your description kind of sounds like a turf type...
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    Green hairy algae removers?

    Thanks to some PO4 in my ro water, I started a nice garden. Green and brown. I got some chemi-pure elite, put it in a canister, got 50 cerith, 50 nerite, 5 em. crabs, and a matrix crab. ALL GONE! PO4 is undectectable,0ppm nitrates. I can look in my display again! LOL I've seen some lawnmower...
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    Powder Blue Tang; NOW HAS STRIPES?

    All right, I am a little confused on how long to leave my DT fish free? I read 8 weeks, then read 10-11months?
  14. T

    Quit tapping on the glass!!

    Just as I get over laughing at the video, that is the funniest, I need one of those signs. I would seriously hang it over my tank. Still LMAO!
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    New tank!

    Welcome to RF, congrates on the great deal. If there is any advise I could give, your lights and skimmer are the two peices of equipment you don't want to cheap out on. You don't have to drill your tank. A HOB over flow will get your water to the sump for you. Eshopp's makes a good one (I run...
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    New Skimmer!

    Yeah, but for some reason Customs had a whole pallet of SWC skimmers sitting on their dock. Check, recheck, recheck, I was getting P/O but what can you do. For some reason they decided to mess with the Load that had my skimmer in it. But it was worth the wait, love it.
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    I was surfing around and was at Mel's reef looking at pics. Found whelks. Ok, I had these Littleneck clams (I had as feeders for LTA, from local Seafood store), I kept in my sump to keep them alive and extra filterfeeders. I had one left after I sold the LTA that lived threw 2 mini-crashes...
  18. T

    Should I replace my T5s with LEDs?

    Evolution Leds, One unit pre three foot of tank.LED Lighting : REEFKOI CORALS, SPS, LPS, Zoanthids A 40gal would only need 1 unit, and you could use a 50w or a 100w and have plenty of light. The only thing is you hae to start the lights high above your tank and slowly lower them to acclimate...
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    New Skimmer!

    I have a 180, it seemed to work great right out of the box. I did wait 2mths for customs to release it, does that count, LOL.
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    possiable Asterina star good or bad ?

    Don't really know myself, had one once, not sure if it's still around. I was told that if numbers become high, there is the possibility they might smoother corals. Light and food. Don't know