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    ?Light Acclimation? How do I do this?

    wow, did not expect that many options. Thank you Frankie
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    ?Light Acclimation? How do I do this?

    Ok, so I killed all( well most of them) either by burning them or something to do with the water. I have the water straight now(things are opening) and I have the LEDs. So, Need to restock and I don't want to burn anything else. Assuming where the frags and corals are coming from don't have...
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    Growth from LEDs

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    Growth from LEDs

    Holy cow fish, thats way more than the Evolution LEDs!
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    Could it be rust?

    You can test the nitrate or such before ro and after, then compare to see if they are still good. Assuming you don't have a TDS meter.
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    Plumbing my sump please help!

    I would use the mag 12 as your return. Not sure if that is too much for the chiller, but I don't think high flow though the chiller will damage it. The tubes in the chiller will only allow so much pressure and I don't think the tubes in the chiller will burst under the pump, the are not pressure...
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    Growth from LEDs

    I even went with a lower wattage, 100wx2 over a 4ft tank(70gal). I was looking at 2 200w! I had no clue they would do what they did. But now I know and now I know what I have to do in the future, after I get the what ever is goingon straight?! I think I am going through a mini crash, snowball!
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    Growth from LEDs

    Cool, I wanted to build my own. but I figured for the price, warranty, and not haveing to do the work (I get very busy at times), I couldn't go wrong. Plus they were recommended and I did alot of research. But thats awesome you built your own and are having such good results!
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    How to start a refugium?

    I tried cheato once and it disappeared. I was told it was due to lack of flow. That it needed to tumble? So I tried the grapes and that grew for a while, then that just disappeared? Now I only have this bush of, I don't remember what it's called, Halmilda or something. Looks like a catuswithout...
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    Precautions when rescaping a tank

    your corals should do fine without light during this process
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    Growth from LEDs

    What LEDs are you using, I just got some and burned everything. Hard lesson. I got the Evolutions
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    How to catch a fish...

    Told ya, the cup always worked for me. And it seems to be less stressful than a net!
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    Could it be rust?

    Sorry to hear about your troubles. I agree with all above. For 15 gals to effect it like that, sounds like something was very bad, maybe leaching toxins through your RO membrain? I would replace your membrains before using it again. And switch to cold water. Running extra carbon may help. Can...
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    What do fish eat

    I agree, but in our tanks it is not always an option. I think all living things need a specific diet. BTW, it is nice to see someone from my side of the fish bowl, NY.
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    800Gallon Tall Plywood Tank

    what happened? Where's the happy ending?LOL. Looks like more fun than I want to have, your wife must be laid back. My Ol'Lady would kill me if I tried something like that. I catch crap for looking in my tank too long,LOL. Can't wait to see it full of salt water and life!
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    Sugar sand question

    I agree, Larger particles naturaly move to the top as the smaller settle in the cracks towards the bottom. In my very DSB the larger peices are all on top and it is finer as it goes down.
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    USGS finds 2,000-year-old coral near BP well

    Yeah, we like pictures, we are like a bunch of kids. More pics than words please.
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    How to start a refugium?

    If you put sand and/or LR in your fuge it must fully cured (if your tank is already established). Cheato needs to be tumbling in the water, so you probably don't want any LR, it will catch on it. In my fuge there is a DSB and LR, I had some grape caulerpa, but it disapered. So for now my fuge...
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    How to catch a fish...

    Just go slow, I use the corners of the tank. You can put the cup in the tank for a day or so the fish isn't scared of it.
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    How to catch a fish...

    I had a N.Trigger I couldn't catch. I was told to find a small fishing hook, like for A fish egg(very,very small..well depending on fish size) and cut the barb off. I didn't have to do it, I actually caught him with two fingers, durring feeding time. Some people have other tricks. I am not sure...