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  1. surf_buddy

    Need ID on these white spots

    Hi Jesse, Yeah I recently got Nerite snails, and a week later this is going on. I looked up "nerite smail eggs" on google images, and mine look exactly the same from other websites. Everyone's suggestions helped me to narrow it down too. PM me if your available this week... It would be great to...
  2. surf_buddy

    Alk drop

    Tagging along... new info for me!
  3. surf_buddy

    Need ID on these white spots

    I know they are hard to shoot... they're about the size of a sesame seed. I recently bought these colorful little nerite snails, and I just googled images for them, so I'm thinking that's what they are now. If so, I'm happy because they are doing a great job keeping my reef clean!
  4. surf_buddy

    Need ID on these white spots

    Does anyone know what these white dots are... :confused: They seem to have shells are are hard to the touch. Are they baby snails or something worse? Thanks for any help!
  5. surf_buddy

    First Top-Down shots

    Wow great top down shots. Any plans on picking up a macro lens?
  6. surf_buddy

    worm id help?

    Interesting hitch hiker... tagging along.
  7. surf_buddy

    Getting rid of red slime algae

    Do you have a refrigium set up on your system? In my experience I have noticed drastically reduced cyano once I started a refrigium. Cyano will compete with the macro algae for the same nutrient source, in my refrigium it is cheto, and cyano has become almost non existent. My main display has...
  8. surf_buddy

    A few from the Columbia River Gorge

    Those falls, the fall foliage is just amazing! Like something out of crouching tiger hidden dragon.
  9. surf_buddy

    Blue Sierra Anniversary Sale 2008

    Wow killer sale here... looks like I'll be making the drive from Seattle to check it out.
  10. surf_buddy

    Smoke in the water!

    I was thinking the same thing once and I glued several pieces of plastic from a pom pom I got at a Seahawks game (go Hawks) to a piece of wire clothes hanger. I then held it in various places around my tank to see was going on. I worked well for me. if you don't have a pom pom then I'd use a...
  11. surf_buddy

    Anyone ..

    I don't believe they will bother your other snails... other than out compete them for food/algae, but in my opinion you want the best cleans you can offer your reef. If you were in my neck of the woods I'd gladly pick some up from you. I included another link with some more information on them...
  12. surf_buddy

    Anyone ..

    Cool... great little hitchhiker then!
  13. surf_buddy

    Anyone ..

    Sounds like a Stomatella to me... check out this link and let me know if this is it. I used to have one of these guys but sadly it died when I first started out in the hobby. In my experience they are reef safe, but have been know to multiply quickly...
  14. surf_buddy

    Trying out my new Canon 50D

    Wow... super envious and GREAT SHOTS! I think your second pic will be my new background. I heard the new 5D does HD video, but is pretty spendy, 2,500 I think for the body alone. Imagine live shots done with a macro lens like yours.
  15. surf_buddy

    Need help with my Dendrophyllia

    Looks like I figured this one out on my own... turns out it was a flow issue. I had moved a powerhead and the new current was just too much for them and it was pissing them off. As soon as I moved the flow of current they started to open up nicely again!
  16. surf_buddy

    Need help with my Dendrophyllia

    Hey everyone, My dendros have not been doing so well lately and I can't figure out why. I've had them for almost a year with no problems, but lately they will not open up that much, or at all in the day. I've usually feed them maisis shrimp or small bits of silver sides, but I really have to...
  17. surf_buddy

    New psas forum!!!

    Thanks.... logged in and checking it out now!
  18. surf_buddy

    New psas forum!!!

    I registered, but haven't recieved my confirmation email yet. Also, will I get a cool jpeg as part of my avitar to show I support PSAS? Thanks!
  19. surf_buddy

    Need help IDing a macroalgae

    Ah... that's it! Much appriciated! Now I just need to find some here in Seattle, or have it shipped up from Cali.
  20. surf_buddy

    Need help IDing a macroalgae

    Last week I was in Cali and I came across a light purple macroalgae. I've never seen anything like it and I really want some for my fuge. I read about it's description in one of Anthony Califo's Book of Coral Propogation at the shop I was in, but I don't have access to one now. All I can...