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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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    My JBJ 28 gallon nano-cube LED

    small tanks rock
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    my 12x12x12 with par 38

    Enjoy your new tank looks good
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    Tank glass turning green

    At 4 months I got algae bloom, I increased reef janitors, and added garf grunge & bag of bugs. Leroy is very helpful at
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    Attatching frags

    Thanks for info.
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    Water Change

    You would do better with more frequent smaller changes on your tank, smaller tanks are not as forgiving as large ones.
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    Tank turned 41 years old

    Congrats on your tank, looks great.
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    Marine Aquarium Expo 2011

    Would have no problem getting people to attend would draw a very large crowd, we would be there/
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    Your corals will defiently have a case of the blues. Keep them happy with brighter lights, might try leds if investing in new lights. Much lower cost to run and no chiller.
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    Water Change

    In my 28 gal I change 5 gal a week, as I don't run a skimmer. You will soon be able to judge what works for you. Good luck on your tank.
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    Super Activated Carbon Turned my Water Black?

    carbon I learned the hard way to. Rinse, rinse, rinse. Used filter pad and kept changing.
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    Deploying & moving

    help moving tank With advance notice we could help her with the move of the tank
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    just wanted to say Hey

    Welcome Welcome to RF.Most of the people are great, always a few bad apples.
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    clock next to fish?

    Want to place grandmother clock 6 ft. from tank. Will the chimes bother the fish at night? I know the ocean is noicey, but natural noice. Don't want to keep them up all night and don't want to compromise their health. All replys appreciated. Thanks Carol
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    info on coral beauty

    Have a jbj 28 gal with mated pair of black & white percula clown. Looking to add only one more fish. Reef set up. Will 28 gal be large enough for coral beauty? Value your opinions. Thanks :)
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    Bricky's new Elos......

    I'd think i'd died and went to heaven with a tank like that, It rivals show tanks in Vegas. Looks great
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    My 20 Gallon Long......

    Like your aqua scape. My tank just cycled, purchased cleane up crew. Have a pair of black & white clowns in q tank. Carol
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    vortex pump

    Setting up 28g jbj does anyone know the glass thickness to install vortex pump? Will I need spacer? Thanks
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    ? Hawaiian black livesand

    Setting up a 28 gal jbj thinking of using Hawaiian black livesand. Any negatives over using the white live sand. Thanks
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    Anyone use agracrete in their tank instead of live rock, any negatives?
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    Great store!

    Great store helpful staff