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  1. DogglesPuffer

    Sick Niger Trigger?

    Hi Pisces and Pandora, for sure I will post pics and absolutely i will quarantine them :) Thanks again to all of u. xxx
  2. DogglesPuffer

    Sick Niger Trigger?

    Hey you guys.....thanks again for all the support. Funny thing how u can get so attached to fish. Lol. I got some weird looks when people heard I was upset over my fish dying. Anyways I guess u guys understand how it is. Non-fish people don't really realize that fish can be so personable. My...
  3. DogglesPuffer

    Sick Niger Trigger?

    Hi everyone, well....I have some sad news. It seems like all that playful behavior was his last hurrah. :( Funny how we really didn't know his personality until he was on his way out. We found him on Sunday morning. By far the biggest and best personality in our tank. Since the second water...
  4. DogglesPuffer

    Sick Niger Trigger?

    Well I tentatively have some good news....after the last water change when all the other fish were hiding, I saw a fishy zooming all over the tank...coming up to the top and spitting water at us....guess who?! I'm hoping this means that he's feeling better....fingers crossed....will post some...
  5. DogglesPuffer

    Sick Niger Trigger?

    Hi guys. Um...well he's still looking extremely sick, but I guess it was wishful thinking on my part to just think that after the water change he would be back to his usual gregarious self. @pandora, we are doing small water changes over a couple days time instead of one massive water change. We...
  6. DogglesPuffer

    Sick Niger Trigger?

    I totally understand what you are sayin :) and I will remember all you have said, but that being said, I guess the best thing I can do right now to avert/avoid a potential crisis, is to get started on the tank, which I will....asap! Thanks and I will update!
  7. DogglesPuffer

    Sick Niger Trigger?

    Mine used to looooovvvvvveeeee him some shrimp too :) I tried throwing in a couple these last few weeks to see if I could entice him to come far, nothing :( I'm assuming he's eating though because even though I haven't actually seen him eating, he's still alive after three weeks...
  8. DogglesPuffer

    Sick Niger Trigger?

    @James, honestly, I hate to actually say it out loud, but this is the most stable that our tank has been in years. We spent a lot of money to upgrade our filter, put a proper sump outside and ran the piping out of the house, re-wired our chiller, re-did the lights inside the tank and invested in...
  9. DogglesPuffer

    Sick Niger Trigger?

    Thank you james....thank you everyone for being so kind. I will start on the tank tomorrow and keep you all updated.
  10. DogglesPuffer

    Sick Niger Trigger?

    Hi pandora, ok great....the tank is definitely gonna be my project for tomorrow :) All the other parameters you asked for, I will check them first thing in the morning when I get back to the tank. Um, to test the water we have a kit, like with test tubes and different bottles of test chemicals...
  11. DogglesPuffer

    Sick Niger Trigger?

    So this is him :( Looking normal....but behaving far from it.....sure hope you guys can help me with my lil monster.
  12. DogglesPuffer

    Sick Niger Trigger?

    Hi IPisces, and thanks :) Ok, so the parameters from yesterday (I couldn't think of the word to use just now so I just said results.... :( ) were: Saltwater High Range: 7.8 Saltwater Nitrate: 0/ppm Fresh and Saltwater Nitrite: 0.25 Saltwater Ammonia: 0.25 We were actually planning to do a...
  13. DogglesPuffer

    Sick Niger Trigger?

    Hi everyone, I'm new here and have seen how welcoming and helpful you guys are, so I'm hoping someone will have had a similar experience and be able to help. For a couple weeks now, my Niger Trigger, who is usually zooming around the tank, has been very lethargic, there are two particular spots...
  14. DogglesPuffer

    Is my Blue Throat Trigger Sick?

    Thanks for all the advice from everyone. :) The Trigger is looking a little better, though he is still hiding alot...when I can spot him among the rocks his colour looks normal and his breathing appears to be normal also. Our setup right now is a 300 Gal reef tank with an external sump...
  15. DogglesPuffer

    Is my Blue Throat Trigger Sick?

    Point taken and appreciated Scott. Thanks. :)
  16. DogglesPuffer

    Is my Blue Throat Trigger Sick?

    Um....ok....thanks for the advice I was thinkin maybe he was stressed out at the new environment. Thanks augustus for the advice- the fish were in a quarantine tank for about two months which is something we started doing since we lost so many of them in December. Maybe I should have mentioned...
  17. DogglesPuffer

    Is my Blue Throat Trigger Sick?

    Hey you guys....well Happy New Year to you all seeing as I haven't really posted anything since my DFP died. I actually need a little help with the main tank ASAP. In our tank right now we have four damsels, two sailfin tangs, and a purple tang...and some cleaner shrimp (four) and assorted...
  18. DogglesPuffer

    Urgent help needed!!!!

    Hi, Thanks very much for the prompt response. We were busy reading up on Brook last night and faced the aftermath of the disaster this morning. Overnight we lost 2 Clarkii Clowns, 2 Tomato Clowns, 1 Skunk Clown, 3 Damsels, 1 Koran Angel, 1 Orange Finned Tomini Tang, 1 Dory....and my beloved...
  19. DogglesPuffer

    Landscaping for my Dog Faced Puffer

    lol. ok yes....other fish. but i wanted to put in some pretty things for him...(to look at...not eat! :) thanks guys...
  20. DogglesPuffer

    Urgent help needed!!!!

    Hi all. We need some urgent help for our 300 Gallon. About two weeks ago, we got two clownfish, and a purple tang from one of our fish guys. Since putting them into the tank, we have had multiple deaths inside the tank and are now trying to save our fish. About two days ago a huge Emperor Angel...