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  1. G

    Chromis in overflow box!!!

    happened to me with a damsel too...if i were you i'd turn off return pump and maybe really investigate your overflow...not sure how visible it is but mine was in a corner and very hard to get to. plus smaller fish can hide very good. mine went through the utube and was stuck by the stockman...
  2. G

    800Gallon Tall Plywood Tank

    what are you gonna stock it with? do these plywood tanks last forever if sealed correctly?
  3. G

    Green Film

    in order to not grow algae, think of how it stays alive... it needs food and light just like all plants, so cut back on one or the other or both until it gets under control. it may take a while to dial in and figure this out...especially if you have a smaller tank.
  4. G

    Help..I'm afraid to put my hand back in!

    yep peanut worm i seen one once and was amazed i never had seen it before then...and i havent seen it since. elusive little guys, they are scavengers and harmless
  5. G

    Hello everyone.

    bristle worms are good, may wanna check calcium again thats pretty high
  6. G

    Poll for PSAS President 2008--2009

    i say a good old fashion dance off
  7. G

    must see this sale Wicked

    free shipping
  8. G

    Does Yellow/Black Sea Cucumber really help maintaining the health of your tank?

    i agree they are cool, but i ALSO read about the nuking of the tank when dead. the last thing you want is to worry if he dies while u are gone and ruins months of time, money and your baby..
  9. G

    Cycle almost over

    i first put in a shrimp, he survived for a month and then i bought my cleanup crew snails/hermits and then waited and did 1 fish at atime. the purple dots are some sort of algae i assume, probably isn't that purple coralline yet though
  10. G

    very small white sponges or Aiptasia

    mine are pretty big, maybe the size of a nickel and about 4 or 5. havent seen harm so i dont worry about em
  11. G

    Test Kits Comparison

    i picked up api a few weeks ago and tested my water and got 450-500 with 2 week old IO saltwater. not sure if my calcium is actually that high but i hope it was correct :)
  12. G

    Please help. Sea Star with big hole in the center. Picture?!?!?

    think on the bright side, he probably got a better life for the time you had him rather than being in someone elses tank, seems like you respect these animals and did what you could
  13. G

    very small white sponges or Aiptasia

    i think i have the same thing as you, looks like cotton balls...aiptasia is very distinct looks exactly like an anemone but the size of a food pellet and clear. two totally different looking things,
  14. G

    Cleaning Advice Needed soon.

    maybe if you want to go barebottom you could sell the wrasse's?
  15. G

    Snail Waste

    explain what this looks like...i've had a lot of snails and never noticed this?
  16. G

    Pulsing Xenia

    yes i think they are probably more photosynthetic than filter feeders.
  17. G

    Films of green and red algae

    and ideal ph is 8.2 ... water changes will bring nitrates down, along with a fuge, and if you have a sump do not use bioballs. there are tons of ways to drop your nitrates, do a little research
  18. G

    Films of green and red algae

    what kind of lighting do you have ? how are you feeding? skimmers will help also... when u think of how algae stays alive, it is photosynthetic and needs food, so reduce those and it will slowly die along with keeping up on maintenance.
  19. G

    Pulsing Xenia

    one thing you must have is flow on it to make it wave somewhat...u cant have it stagnant or it will not be able to wave around and sift the water for food. i lost my first stock because i didnt have enough flow (dont need much) but since i learned, i have a thriving colony
  20. G

    making zoos spread quicker

    sparks - makes perfect sense never though of it like that... i noticed a few of my zoos were loose and ended up floating away and now stuck on like 6 different rocks (single polyps) so we will see how they do ;)