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    image insert option in the classifields?

    Thanks finn, Michael pointed out that the [img] tags work in the replies, but not the original add.
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    image insert option in the classifields?

    You guys should check out ckeditor. That's what I use in all my web applications.
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    what do you do for a living

    web development
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    Who are you? Here is me ;)

    haha, nice pics.
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    180 gallon dual octogon AGA

    The hippo came from us and no it doesn't have hlle. That's algae on the tank glass.
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    180 gallon dual octogon AGA

    Nice tank.
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    Happy B-day ME

    Happy Birthday. :)
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    This is getting kind of entertaining. :)
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    I was going to start a post until I noticed returnofsid beat me to it. Hmm, that RED's gotta go. I'm just saying....from a developer/designer view point. By the way: I see you are now RF Staff, how'd that happen? lol...
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    Need Imediate Attention!!!

    Thanks. The copperband is still floating and doing fine. No damage done other than the stress of being chased by a massive fish. Now I just need to rehome the emperor.
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    Happy Birthday!
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    Need Imediate Attention!!!

    He's going to float in a bag overnight. Good thing he's a fast swimmer.
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    Need Imediate Attention!!!

    I just bought two copperband butterfly fish. One for my 300 and one for my 90. I have nothing but peaceful fish in my 90 so that one is fine, but my emperor angel was chasing and nipping at the copperband in my 300. We caught it because I knew my emperor would kill it. Can I add two copperbands...
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    Finally SUMMER!!!

    Was the water really cold? It was starting to feel like Seattle in Spokane, ha. Too much rain. I'm glad the sun finally came out. I spent my weekend with strep throat :(
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    Taking some photos this morning

    Cute kids. Congrats! I love babies, but they grow up too quick. Mine is already 10 weeks old. Nice tank too.
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    A couple pretty birds....

    Oh, I thought you were just wearing a white beret... I have a yellow finch just like the one in your pic that hangs out in my lilac bushes almost daily. I thought it was someones lost pet. I didn't know they were wild around these parts.
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    Happy Birthday Fragman!!

    Happy Birthday Paul.
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    Fish versus coral ..what is more important in your tank?!

    For me it depends on the fish. I have a large angel in my 300 that has been my choice over keeping lps and zoanthids. He's fine with sps. I just recently posted him for sale because we want to keep lps and zoanthids in our large reef. If he doesn't sell though, I'll just stick with sps in that...
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    Tridacna gigas

    Nice, do you submerge your face in the water when you place it in the tank? I assume it's too large for tongs.
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    No more conflicts of interest!

    Very pretty aquarium. I'm anxious to redo ours. And wow, a pregnant lady being OK with 3K+ on lights!? I was the complete opposite. It all had to go toward our baby or I threw a fit, lol.