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  1. moliken


    ive probably lost 5 and have 5. but i may be losing another. dr mac says it's light starvation. but i dunno. he also said sg at 1.030, which is nuts, to me. big debate went on w/no resolution, and i'm passing on his new stock. three of my lost 5 took at least 2 weeks of decline. just got my...
  2. moliken


    it sounds logical, but there was no attaching/removing at dr mac. i picked him out and the woman working there was able to move it very easily. it never attached in my tank-and i have quite few maxis that have not. he is still alive, but i don't think it'll be too long.
  3. moliken


    ok setup for 2.75 years. 65 and 75 plumbed together40 g sump, ca reactor ai leds since dec clam had been on a mid level rock with most of my 14 clams some higher, some in the sand . mp40 and sm tunze i am mixing salinity by seachem, reef crystals and tropic marin bio actif in an every day w/c...
  4. moliken


    should a clam just go into a slow decline, taking a few weeks to gradually die? lg maxima. mantle slowly receding more and more. he was fine for 2 weeks. the other 12 clams in my tank are fine, is it just failure to thrive? no nipping, no flow, lighting or water quality issues. certainly no pyr...
  5. moliken

    Just lost my big maxima- any ideas what may have happened?

    sandra, calcium needs to be much higher, at least 380. ph and alk are also low. nitrates too high, although clams could withstand that level, but your phosphates were probably way high also. i'm a newbie here, but those params are way bad enough to slowly kimm your tank. what kinda salt? what's...
  6. moliken

    hole in crocea's mantle

    thanks. i had been noticing less mantle extension on some of the maxis, and i did, as stated, see the coris bite my big derasa, so as much as i don't want fish hurt, i'm not crying. if it's not that, what else is possible, mojo? fatherree and knopp don't mention anything like this.
  7. moliken

    Show off your clams here

    clam shelf at two different capacities, filled, and fewer a couple otheri shots
  8. moliken

    New B clam?

    any update?
  9. moliken

    hole in crocea's mantle

    look above inhalant siphon
  10. moliken

    hole in crocea's mantle

    and here is the third post needed. one more and i can put up the pictures
  11. moliken

    hole in crocea's mantle

    adding a post so i can get my count up for pics.
  12. moliken

    hole in crocea's mantle

    i just discovered this hole above the inhalant siphon of a clam ive had for about 3 months; otherwise healthy. only other info, besides that i have 14 clams that look fine, is that yesterday morning i found a dead green coris wrasse who had been healthy the day before. a month ago i saw it nip...