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  1. acrodesiac

    Getting out or downsizing...

    I has a sneaking suspition your skimmer might be underqualified for the job.
  2. acrodesiac

    Good Day At The River

    I wanna go fishing dude! Call me up!
  3. acrodesiac

    Barebottom for Sps

    BB is an excelent choice for a SPS reef if you plan on running a refugium with a sand bed. The advantages to having a "remote sand bed" are great in that you can service the sand bed in a more controlled way. The very best way to setup a refugium in a BB system (or any system IMO) is to plumb...
  4. acrodesiac

    Getting out or downsizing...

    Nitrate difficulties are guaranteed in the the first 6-12 months off any reef setup. Please be patient with this problem, time is your reef's best freind:D If you say that you are limited on free time, there are many ways to simplify a system to keep maintinence time down. You mentioned an...
  5. acrodesiac

    Fish compatibility help please

    Go with the black cap over the orchid for sure. The fire fish will almost always jump out of an open tank sooner or later;)
  6. acrodesiac

    show me your other uncommon or exotic pets

    Nobody else here has anything to share? :confused::(
  7. acrodesiac

    New Hamilton MH Bulbs

    I used to love the hamilton 14k's until I tried some other brands. The hamilton's IMO are absolute garbage after 8 months or so. After 6 months I noticed a change in growth and coloration of my SPS and after about 8 months I could see the deterioration of the light quality with my naked eye...
  8. acrodesiac

    SPS having issues

    I have noticed reduced polyp extension when my cal reactor shoots my alk too high(around 14dkh), does that sound like your experience?
  9. acrodesiac

    White Spots my Powder Brown Tang

    I don't think you stated wether this is a new fish or one that you have had for a while. If it was a new addition then you should try in the future to quarantine any high risk fish such as the powder brown tang. Many tangs are at very high risk for the same problem that you are having and...
  10. acrodesiac

    Fuge light

    I once used a 6500k 250w MH over a 60 gallon fuge and the chaeto growth was ridiculous! It was tied in with about a 700 gallon system and I was havesting a five gallon bucket every 2-3 weeks:eek:
  11. acrodesiac

    show me your other uncommon or exotic pets

    Thanks for sharing the pics:) That Goffin is a cuttie!:D By the way, what kind of rabbits are those?
  12. acrodesiac

    my new micro machine

    Thanks for the offer Mike, I'll have to come up your way again real soon. Maybe this weekend? BBQ? Good beer? :D I need to pay you for that impeller anyway. ;)
  13. acrodesiac

    show me your other uncommon or exotic pets

    Just thought I'd see what other types of animals everone keeps. I'll show you mine, you show us yours. Dog and cat pictures are welcome:D This is my hypo het for blood male Bearded Dragon, Coheed. Coheed is about a year old and is 18" long. He is also cross bred with a "German Giant" so he...
  14. acrodesiac

    my new micro machine

    Well, I finally got some chaeto in my fuge and got some light over it yesterday. I love how a newly setup refugium looks so clean, I can't wait for it to be crawling with little critters. I am trying out a couple of 5K spiral compact flourecsent bulbs in small shop pendants. It definately...
  15. acrodesiac

    how to move your tank

    12g nano......................just pick it up and move it!:p LOL :lol: Just kiding! Good luck with the move.
  16. acrodesiac

    My New Baby 180

    more pics please:p
  17. acrodesiac

    400 Gal sunroom reef

    This setup is absolutely amazing! :D I have hopes to replicate this sort of setup in the future. BTW Anthony Calfo would love your tank, he has had MUCH experience with natural sunlight.
  18. acrodesiac

    vacum substrate

    MUCH RESPECT! That is an excellent design with a seriuos commitment to maitainence:D
  19. acrodesiac

    Carbon or not to carbon, that is my question

    Just a play on words here I think Don:) If you have a twenty gallon tank with a ten gallon sump and you place 2 cups of carbon in a media reactor(IMO, the only way to go), you could do some serious damage to your reef. Now if you were to use 1/4 to 1/2 a cup and change it weekly you would get...