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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. W

    Getting Tanked And Have Questions

    Thanks Thanks for the response... love this forum. Reguarding #1 Ok... I think it is the tahition moon sand... what is going to buffer my PH? Will live rock do it? How much whould I need? and #2 Looks like I should keep the Wet/Dry... what maintenance will i have to worry about with...
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    Help "Love Triangle" Clowns

    thanks Thanks... I have placed a post in the livestock wanted section.
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    Getting Tanked And Have Questions

    HUGE background... with a couple questions at the end. I got a call thursday morning at 8AM... a friend of mine was going to leave his 150 acrylic with sump stand and gear next to the dumpster behind his apartment complex at noon. He had to be out that day and did not have room/time for it...
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    Help "Love Triangle" Clowns

    I'd like to I'd like to raise clown fry. I have raised Reidi Sea Horses to 8 months. I have a strong culutre of nano-chlr. green water. My rotifers have crashed (neglect during 6 months of seahorses taking a breeding break). I have a pod culture and hatch my own brine every other day. I...
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    Help "Love Triangle" Clowns

    the eagle has landed My clowns have been "nesting" for a couple weeks now... cleaning and making dry runs on a rock in the back of the tank. Fresh eggs today! (do they always lay them on the underside of a rock? The female was looking a little chubby... I didnt say anything cause I didnt...
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    AGGGGGH!! FedEx

    Fedex shipped my livestock from Hawaii to California then to Alaska (oops) back to California... then to seattle and then took ALL day to get drive it out to me. Took 2 and a half days to "over night it" Thanks Fedhex!
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    AG's 30 Gallon Reef

    Amazing pictures! Go pro
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    just started a 5 gallon project

    nice Very nice work. Did you seal the inside of the top? Last time I made a wood top the evaporation hit it and messed it up.
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    What is this?

    sea squirt sounded right but I wasnt sure... when I googled "tunicate" the site I went to said a comon name was sea squirt... so not too suprised there. But, I was suprized to find out that they have primative spinal/nerve cord. Just wondering if I have anything to worry about... sounds...
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    What do you feed your Clownfish(es)?

    I primarily feed frozen formula 1 and 2 in a ratio of about 4 or 5 to 1. I throw in few frozen enriched mysids every couple days and rarely some enriched frozen brine. Once a weeks or so I will feed a few live (gutloaded) brine.
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    What is this? What are these little buggers? Have these in 2 of my filters in two different tanks... and I have a couple more of these guys stuck to the glass in 1 tank. Good / bad or nuetral?
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    love and rockets It is cool that a user's first post on a Salt Water forum... is about motorcycles :) Welcome to the forum!
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    Acrylic Tank Repair

    found it I found it online... where could I find it in the real world? Home Depot / Lowes... Fred Meyer... Walley World? Glass shop? Hints before I call around?
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    What does everyone do?

    Guppies are cool Many people I know that once kept guppies... eventually come back to them cause they are fun. Remember how fun guppies were... when they first had babies and you wanted to save them all :) All of the kewl colours! Maybe I will get some guppies for my FW tank...
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    What does everyone do?

    3 rules The ninja 250 is a great first bike! I know a few people that ride them. Getting the bike set up correctly for you make a world of difference. The cbr1000 has about 135hp... more than I ever need. It is my 7th (and maybe last) bike! I have pictures someplace... but they are all...
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    Acrylic Tank Repair

    scuff marks on acrylic I was recently given a large acrylic tank... it has a 4 inch scuff in the middle of viewing area. I have not set it up yet. Suggestions? Links?
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    What does everyone do?

    s-kewl I teach school... I did it for the money, travel, fast cars and the glamorous lifestyle. lol
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    What does everyone do?

    bikes What do u ride? I roll a honda cbr 1000f
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    mixing shrimp

    I have pepermints and cleaners tongether no problem too.
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    Mysids Anyone?

    Is there anyone culturing large scale mysids? I found this link for a set up that produces 200-300 per day But I was wondering if anyone is doing it on a large scale.... so I could chat with them.