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  1. as1720

    Best way to do a 90% water change?

    I would get a HOB fuge for it but i dont know if we are going to keep this little tank up after we put the 125 up. I want to get a 10 gallon nano though. lol
  2. as1720

    Best way to do a 90% water change?

    its not under direct light but its been doing fine for over a month. I swish it around once/twice a day too which is whats annoying about it. but if it works better then the blue stuff i'll deal with it.
  3. as1720

    Millie Being not so Millie-ish

    I guess it hasnt crashed yet but i have lost 3 and half sps's. And that was one of them. Something is wrong with my water i think, since i used tap to fill it, things just kinda got outta wack all on there own i dont do much with the tank other then water changes and feeding the fish. So im...
  4. as1720

    Project Frag 20L

    Wow it looks amazing!
  5. as1720

    Best way to do a 90% water change?

    befor i forget i wanted to know what you guys thought of the Bak Pak filter being changed to live rock and cheeto? Good bad? Should i put back the blue stuff? To be honest the cheeto is kinda annoying but if it works better i'll keep it.
  6. as1720

    Best way to do a 90% water change?

    I have two 10 gallon containers both filled with freashly made saltwater at the same saltnaity and temp as my DT that i planned on acclimating my corals to, so the water they will be acclimated to is the water that will go into the tank. Does that make sence. Sorry if i am not making myself vary...
  7. as1720

    Best way to do a 90% water change?

    OK here is my plan. Pull all the corals and fish out acclimate them to the clean water bins in the evening. Clean the hair algea off the rocks/rescape the rocks. Clean the glass of the tank. Replace sand bed. Add more snails maybe a crab or two more. Then the next morning when the sand has...
  8. as1720

    Best way to do a 90% water change?

    So im having issues with my 29 gal tank. I would like to do a 90% water change. I was thinking of rather then just doing it like a regular water change i was going to acclimate the corals to the clean water and then add them back to the DT when im done cleaning the DT. Here are some of the...
  9. as1720

    Water issues??

    I am not sure exactly what its called but i know walmart sells ro/di water just watch out for "added minarels for taste" i think it says.
  10. as1720

    Millie Being not so Millie-ish

    Just thought i would update this, the whole millie turned lime green and was healthy for some time. i didnt get a chance to get pictures of it befor my tank kinda crashed and i lost two of my millies that was one, all that i was able to save was the base of it so hoefully it will keep growing. I...
  11. as1720

    Take me sps for a while?

    Thanks Adam! I will call you after 4:00.
  12. as1720

    Take me sps for a while?

    *Mods* Didnt know exactly ware i should have posted this so feel free to move it if its in the wrong place. *Mods* So i dont know whats going on with my tank everything has been fine for some time now, but i have some sps that are bleaching/rtn or whatever its called. Only thing i can think...
  13. as1720

    Euro reef 125 mod

    I did that to my bak pak skimmer because i lost the little screw thing, mine was i vicodin bottle lol. :p
  14. as1720

    Attacking Aiptasia

    it took my pepermints three months but they got rid of all but one. Now im trying to get rid of that one with some boiling water since i no longer have the shrimp. lol
  15. as1720

    sucidal anemone

    Bad childhood memory flash back. Thanks! :eek:
  16. as1720

    what do you do for your bread and butter?

    i am the magic fairy that keeps the house clean, and takes care of our in home zoo including the wild 2 year old little boy we captured and still have not tamed....:evil:
  17. as1720

    20H Seahorse tank

    who would have thought macro algea could look so good! Well done i must say!
  18. as1720

    I'm so tempted!!!

    its play dough.
  19. as1720

    Big Sale Time!!

    ok cool! Now i just have to figure out how to get some money!
  20. as1720

    Big Sale Time!!

    Do you have to be there when you do the drawing for the raffle to get the prizes? We planned on coming staurday but if the raffle is on sunday and you have to be there to get the prize we will come sunday.