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  1. F

    HELP! Red cyano bacteria

    Just thought I would chime in here because I was having the same fight you all are. I was told to look very carefully at the food I was feeding and so I did a little experiment. I started removing one type of food ata time. I was feeding a mix of flake pellet and fresh shrimp and clams so i...
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    Cyano Help please

    Do I need to worry about my sand bed though? Why is the aqua medic not up to its rating? It pulls alot of really dry nastines out of my water and has been nothing but easy to use. Good to hear about the ro/di I should have it in another week. I will plan on several 5-10 gal water changes over a...
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    Cyano Help please

    Ok first tell me if I understand cyano at all. It feeds off of phosphates and silicates in the water right? second I know that none of the food I am feeding has any phosphates but I am cond\cerned that the play sand I used for my ssb has silicates, I got it from Home depot and recently went back...
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    Show me your full tank shots

    here we are at 8 months. I am going to have to try and get a ro/di unit soon as I am tired of fighting the cyano problems. current residents are: 1 perc clown 1 hipo tang 1 coral beuty 1 xenia 1 pink/brown/orange zoo 1 GSP 1 purple shroom 2 striped blue shroom
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    Using a bug bomb

    Hey everyone, My tank is in the basement and we have noticed over the last few weeks a larger nuber of spiders down there. Has anyone ever bug bombed thier house and is so what did you do to keep your tank safe? my plans were to cover the tank with a blanket and then uncover it in 24 hours. what...
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    Whats on your bottom?

    I want to hear what is on the bottom of everyones tanks. DSB, SSB, BB or other. I have a shallow sand bed that in places has been blow almost to the glass and in others is 2-3" thick. I like the look of the little "dunes" that mycirculation pumps make but have had some probs with cyano around...
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    Calcium Chloride

    what would calcium chloride vs. calcium hydroxide do, do you think?
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    Calcium Chloride

    I found Balls Pickle crisp at Walmart. Is this the same thing as Pickling lime? It says the only ingredient is Calcium Chloride. is this the Balls Pickling lime that I have heard others use? Thanks, Erik :?:
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    Grounding Probe?

    I just had to remove my HOB skimmer because it was putting ALOT of current into my tank, found it by putting my hand in to move something and got a pretty good dose. I am now going to be putting in a ground probe more for me than the tank I didnt like it. Erik :eek:
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    Curse that emerald crab!!

    I got an emerald crab just five days ago and i came home today to find that the little @#$!%@!*^#% shredded my green BTA. I am furiouse, not only did the little sob not take care of any bubble algae but he is a filthy murderer!! Erik :mad:
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    return for a mag 7

    Yeah I actually figured that by the time I got it up and over the tank and through the fittings that I would be in the 400-500 range. I am using a cpr90 overflow using the same 1" line. Thanks for your help. Erik
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    return for a mag 7

    I am plumbing my sump and am trying to decide on what size return to use from my mag7. I am thinking 1". Lemme know what you all are using, Thanks, Erik
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    Cheapskate Chilling Techniques

    I heard of a guy who had a small fridge, you know one of those little dorm frides, and he ran a line from his tank that went into the fridge through a bunch of coiled up tube and then back into his tank. Neet idea but I have not had to worry about it my tank is in the family room in the...
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    Who turned out the lights???

    4X55w PC 2 10K and 2 Actinic
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    CPR size

    I am looking at a cpr 90 overflow and am wondering how deep it is I have found that it is 8 inches wide but i cant find the measurement from tank to wall. Anyone have one or know the specs or where to look? Erik
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    Red Hair Algae

    I have Red stringy algae that refuses to stop growing on my sand bed. It also will move up the glass as well. What if anything will munch this stuff or what can I do? Thanks, Erik
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    White fuzzy bumps on clown?

    Some on the dorsal and lateral fin and a little around the gill. I started with garlic did a 20% WC and they seem to be reduced somewhat. Still in no distress and eating well. Erik
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    White fuzzy bumps on clown?

    I have two ocellaris clowns and have noticed white fuzzy bumps on them. I have been reading and from what I have read it is either ich or some sort of infection. What do you think and what should I do. I just added a couple of cleaner shrimp amd have added cruched garlic to their food. Both fish...
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    Update !! New Cube For JohnnyM.

    I will take my digital camera with me and snap a shot of his face when I deliver it. Should be a good picture. Erik
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    DIY Skimmer

    Hey everyone here is a thread from reefcentral on a DIY Skimmer check it out and tell me what you think