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  1. warforged

    Refugium start up attempt #3

    Update: Fuge had a algae bloom the black specs were just debris and have not spread or grown at all...the light film of nearly transparent green is an algae bloom... I cleaned my skimmer and did the agressive skimming nearly filling my cup with coffee like skim mate. Sunday night I reduced it...
  2. warforged

    Coral Life Super skimmer 220

    I need someones view on this skimmer. DonW and I are going over refugiums and he suspects my skimmer may not be good enough..but because he is not familiar with my skimmer he said ask Skimmy... I dont know who that is so I will just throw this question up in the appropriate section. Is my...
  3. warforged

    Refugium start up attempt #3

    K I will test the water once I get home with it. As for the Fuge flow ...the pump with it I will have to just change then.. I dont know if you ever seen an Aquafuge Don... I may Mcgyver a flexible neck on the intake to divert the flow to sweep the bottom up ...cheaper route to go... As for...
  4. warforged

    Refugium start up attempt #3

    OK I will put it on the top ring for max wet skimming... Update on Fuge status: After being on for almost 2 days...I see particles settling in the bottom if it ...there are very very tiny dark specs on the light green haze on the bottom...its almost transparent that haze... several of those...
  5. warforged

    Refugium start up attempt #3

    I will report back to this thread in about a week or two on status Don. Thanks all for tips ...picked up a few new things I didn't know.
  6. warforged

    Refugium start up attempt #3

    Fuge purpose is for Nitrate reduction mostly. Pods would be a bonus. No I have not rinsed those cubes and had no clue about that... As for Flow the CPR pump is not good enough? If not what GPH pump should I use?
  7. warforged

    Refugium start up attempt #3

    My feeding is a pinch of flake formula food brand. every other day I use mysis shrimp cube...every 4 days bioplankton. am I over doing it?
  8. warforged

    Refugium start up attempt #3

    Tank Livestock and I will do a advanced test tonight to get you numbers guys. Baby Blue tang 2 clowns red scooter blenny Watchman Gobby Sand sifter gobby Sally Light Foot Crab Red Wrasse (baby) Corals: Star Polyps, Small Toadstool leather, Fingertype leather unknown name, two rose bubble...
  9. warforged

    Refugium start up attempt #3

    Why does the Salt fuel the Cyano? Also I set up with nothing in it as you said to. The thing is I've only had a Cyano break out when I try to put this Fuge up in the last 2 attempts. I did attempt 2....dumped it and waited over a month before trying again... attempt 3 the cyano started as...
  10. warforged

    Refugium start up attempt #3

    I called paul’s store: Water is made by them.. 4 stage RO unit and its DI also. The salt mix he is using is Ocean Pure. Hope this helps you help me Donw PS Don, each attempt I did start by placing my stuff in and lighting up all in one day...could that be part of the problem? I am hearing I...
  11. warforged

    Refugium start up attempt #3

    I am very sure Paul at indoor uses his own RO unit cause I've heard him mention it...and when I buy non salt water from them they refer to it as DI water when I buy it... im pretty sure hes using RO DI.... I will just have to stick with his water for Top off and avoid Water To Go?
  12. warforged

    Refugium start up attempt #3

    Umm really? I mean the tank is very established the refuge stuff I put in is new...some rocks from display mixed with non live rubble.. sand was live on first attempt. Rewording:what do you think? Put on tank with nothing...for a week.. (no cyano then) Put in the rock rubble and crushed...
  13. warforged

    Refugium start up attempt #3

    I get my salt pre-mix from LFS here in tacoma... indoor reef...sometimes top off .. Water to go is where i get top off. Buffer is Seachems Reef Buffer 8.3
  14. warforged

    Refugium start up attempt #3

    grrr.... im so frustrated ... last attempt I tested every day on the nitrates,phosphates, and PH check (for other reasons). Phosphates didnt register due to phosban, ph had to be buffered for a bit due to new phosban. Nitrates were a bit up then went down...and then after being down for a few...
  15. warforged

    Refugium start up attempt #3

    if I do...what the heck is the problem =\ :eek:
  16. warforged

    Refugium start up attempt #3

    CPR aquafuge 5gallon HOB is the one I am using. Attempt 1: Live sand, Chaeto, some rocks using 18" bulb callec coral sun from petco... Disaster Huge Cyano break out (light issues helped and not noticing). Attempt 2: Cleaned it all out.. chaeto new bulb no sand just rock rubble...worked for...
  17. warforged

    2008 Anniversary Sale!

    WOW!!! First I heard of this sale...though ive been a customer as of this year... I think I need to go change my boxers now =p
  18. warforged

    Big problem

    I don't know about the sponge thing... I use phosban and put it in a fine mesh sock that it comes with...then I wrap it up in a foam filter pad like and eggroll and stuff it in my canister filter tray. The only thing I heard of is that your PH will go down for the first 2 weeks of introducing...
  19. warforged

    Torch Coral has an odd growth

    that is awsome... I have a free new pet in my tank ;)
  20. warforged

    Torch Coral has an odd growth

    K is being given to me by a buddy today... I will take a pic... It seems very very harmless just branching off the skeleton on its own...the Torch is healthy... I will get that picture up soon just so you all can see this weird thing. PS: I just googled barnacle and Torch...