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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. R

    id pls

    sp. is an abrreviation of species. Usually it is used when the exact species is unknown. Elmo18 thinks it is a type of acropora but he doesn't know exactly what type so you say Acropora sp.
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    Let's See Some Macros

    I don't think I have ever seen one with all of it legs. Nice pic!
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    Experience with Emperor Angelfish

    I have had an obsession with these fish for a very long time but never had a tank where I could keep one. I have a 125g now, which will be good for awhile, and by the time it is ready to be moved to a bigger tank I should be ready to upgrade tanks. Anyways, they tank is an LPS, SPS, and clams...
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    Tank setup question

    Well, if you are using rock from an established tank, and an established sand bed, what will be there to cycle? There should be no die off except from the minute or so it maybe out of the water but that won't be detectable by anything.
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    planning 70W MH

    Well, it is my understanding that it should because of the better penetration of the different color spectrum. As for brands well it kinda comes down to personal preference but it is important to know the difference between the different types of bulbs and ballasts. I would start here...
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    planning 70W MH

    What are questions exactly?
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    MH and Corals

    yeah after talking with you at the store the only non-sps, non-lps I really plan to keep is the gsp.
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    Help me ID this snail

    I can't remember off hand but I can tell what book it is in. The book is called A PocketExpert Guide to Marine Invertebrates: 500+ Essential-to-Know Aquarium Species by Ronald L. Shimek. If you have probably seen this book before at pretty much any LFS. I am on campus right now, and don't...
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    MH and Corals

    It is 22" deep. I have talked to enough people that I don't think it will be a problem, especially if it placed high enough. Not to mention I can always use for a bigger tank later if need be.
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    New Crustacean

    So how long till we can get one for our tank?:lol:
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    MH and Corals

    So would I be safe in assuming that my Xenia and mushrooms would melt under those lights? I actually have no idea if it will or not. I go up to Kevinpo store every other week or so, so if you need anything let me know. I am actually going up there tomorrow to get the lights in question. Also...
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    Adding to sand bed

    I didn't mean he shouldn't add more sand, I just meant that he shouldn't bother with adding live sand. What you are talking about is a deep sand bed, and that is a whole other topic/debate.
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    Adding to sand bed

    I wouldn't bother with the live sand since it is well established, just because it is a waste of money. You aren't going to get anything you don't already have in there.
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    MH and Corals

    All sounds awesome. They are currently under 4x65w PC. I have only had them about a week but they are already spreading off the rock they were on. I guess I could probably update that a bit. I used to manage Pet Service Center, but after we moved I haven't really done anything especially...
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    Where to get SPS frags

    Definitely recommend Kevin at Aquatic Dreams. Especially considering this is his forum.
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    MH and Corals

    I have a 55g mixed reef tank that I am tearing down, and selling to fund my 125g. However, there are a few things I plan to keep but I am unsure on how they will do under the new lighting. The new lighting is 3x400w MH and 2x80 VHO. The corals I wish to keep are Fungia, branching Frogspawn...
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    How Do You Acclimate Corals?

    If the fish has been in a bag for a long time (say being shipped via plane), it best just to match temp., and just get them into good water. That polluted water will do more harm than anything else. If should put them ina quaratine tank anyways so, if they get sick, you can treat it easily.
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    soft corals and hard corals together

    Ozone? Really? I had never heard that before. Can you give anymore on that?
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    Top Down Pics of sleeping tank.

    I like all the Asterina starfish on the back of the tank.