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  1. tallguy64

    Digital 24h timer

    lol thnx guys ye i played around with a computer controled system it worked great but the was just to many little hicups so i went to jsut a couple simple timers.
  2. tallguy64

    1000 Gallon

    I have a feeling your gonna get a lot of pms =)
  3. tallguy64

    Hello all =)

    Haha i read his welcome... and went a dur how long ago did i post this... but still thank you
  4. tallguy64

    47 gallon tank meets Geek

    Ye i still have the single atipsia... Every thing else is doing great. Been debateing pulling the atipsia off or just leting it sit there... its been movein a little toward a a point that i think i should be able to pull it off with out there being much left over so i think i will pull it off...
  5. tallguy64

    1000 Gallon

    Hey trillyen, all the info you are asking for, well most of it is in this thread. you may want to read through it i tells a story about where he got it made but how he wouldnt recomend the builder to anyone else.
  6. tallguy64

    Clowns and mated pairs?

    Thanks for your help
  7. tallguy64

    Clowns and mated pairs?

    Juast a quick update before i head off to work, karma is every where. Fish A pissed fish B off and fish B did him in before i could do much. The nine hours i was at work was long enough for fish B to do fish A in. The timid becomes the killer... and the bully gets flushed. I guess i should...
  8. tallguy64

    Clowns and mated pairs?

    Alright, well just a quick up date ye looks like karma... This morning i took a much closer look at Fish A, it took a real beating and right now is really fighting to live. they are seperateded and i think im gonna take your advice if fish A pulls around ill try and trade it but may just end up...
  9. tallguy64

    1000 Gallon

    Ye random thought, what are you feeding it?
  10. tallguy64

    Budget Aquaculture

    I Dont know if you are still looking at silica sand as an option but i personaly would say go for it. just make sure to really rinse it before you put it into your tank. I have sillica sand in my tanke that is about 2months old now... purchased a silica test kit just so i could make sure i wasnt...
  11. tallguy64

    Clowns and mated pairs?

    Hey there, my list of info 1. Ocellaris Clownfish, False Percula Anemonefish 2. 1.5 to 2 roughly 3. a month i think 4. in the display 5. Um water quality is excelent just did a water change this weekend with the install of a new sump, normally i do a 5 to 10% every 2 weeks as long as my numbers...
  12. tallguy64

    1000 Gallon

    So it looks like your tank is turning out alright even through all the hassle of getting the tank. Glad to see you got your shark thats awsome. Now just gett thoose fish trained to stay out his way, he swims like he is on a mission for food =)
  13. tallguy64

    1000 Gallon

    Gawd your tank is beautiful i would love to have a tank that big.... i like the open space and yet the rock island in the middle.
  14. tallguy64

    1000 Gallon

    That stuff is awsome, help redo my parents house when they bought it... dog pee all over the house staind the wood and cement... used really strong bleach and still the smell came back. put a coat or two the smell was gone and down stairs on the slab cut the moister that came through the cement...
  15. tallguy64

    1000 Gallon

    And i personaly with a tank that big would rather have two then one... if one goes down for what ever reason then you have one still working... the same reason i love twin engine planes... it may not run the best on jsut one but at least your not in a panic when your one and only stops working.
  16. tallguy64

    1000 Gallon

    If im not mistaken thoose look exactly like the ones that Mclendons carries.
  17. tallguy64

    plenumn question

    The real idea behind the phlem is this.... Take a sponge set it in the sink and pour water on to it. the water splashs off and not really through it. now hold that same sponge up and pour water on it. the water will flow through it rather then over it. Thats the same principle your going for...
  18. tallguy64

    Question about ocellaris

    Ye just a little update... one slept in the annonome late night and the other a hole in the lr right next to the anenome.
  19. tallguy64

    Question about ocellaris

    I will have to count tonight. I think they are probably tank raised just because there un wanting to host. I got the fish from BR. the tank is about a month old. the live rock i got about a week before i got the fish... there were no changes in number and hardly any cycle since the LR was out...
  20. tallguy64

    Question about ocellaris

    one does sit near a power head, the other kinda all over the place. i thought about that. because ye my ph doesnt change from what can tell. if id does its just a minute amount. i had my test from this morning still (4am) and i took one about about 5pm and they looked identical. I guess i...