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  1. tallguy64

    Question about ocellaris

    hmmm only a couple house plants and none downstairs where the tank is... but i didnt think about the ph changeing that much at night.... hmmm ill have to check that one out. Any one else? =)
  2. tallguy64

    Question about ocellaris

    So i just picked up two ocellaris for my fish tank. the next morning i cam down stairs for check how they were doing and i found them both floating on the surface of the tank. had a mild (ok large) freek out. i was like omg nooo, so i quickly tested everything and tested it all again. All my...
  3. tallguy64

    Polyps are taking over!

    just a thought what about takeing out a few pieces of rock and shocking them in like an ice bath? maybe make it easier to pull them off? or maybe a hto bath? just wondering maybe some way to make them let go?
  4. tallguy64

    Best way to remove damsels?

    lol but then again i have always said never shoot yourself shoot your problems.
  5. tallguy64

    Polyps are taking over!

    Wow... i would see if any one wants some and just start passing out for free or toss em or waht ever... but that is amazing.
  6. tallguy64

    Best way to remove damsels?

    hmmm shot gun and tank might not mix.... shot gun and ones self well that another story. What about letting the net hang and when feeding time comes scop them up?
  7. tallguy64

    1000 Gallon

    Well glad to hear that everything is kinda moving along, i cant wait to see what it is gonna look like.
  8. tallguy64

    1000 Gallon

    Thats awsome man glad to hear that its holding water and you lol. Your about the size of waht two or so big sharkies. wait are you gonna swim with them too? lol
  9. tallguy64

    47 gallon tank meets Geek

    Well i got my live rock in and i think i like it.... Also got a few hitch hikers =) And im hopeing this one pulls through kinda got smashed on the way home by the rocks shifting Side note the tech is coming out from underneath and i think i fixed my micro bouble problem... my over...
  10. tallguy64

    Canopy needed

    No Problem, Tools wise the more the better lol, If you dont have a air nailer i would sugest useing screws instead of nails to hand nail on 1x2 will be a pain trust me. Just predrill all the holes just a little under the size of the screw and that will elliminate any chance of spliting. here is...
  11. tallguy64

    47 gallon tank meets Geek

    Lol yes i will get on thoose drip loops =) My two main projects this weekend are LR and closeing up the top of my box. suck cause i have only one day to do it really =\ oh well who needs sleep =P
  12. tallguy64

    47 gallon tank meets Geek

    Thanks brett... im still a bit bumbed about the mico bubles right now... just saw some pics of Herefishyfishy's tank and im gealous lol but all in due time right. Eventualy im gonna build a nice black wood box that will be outside, for right now im gonna put a cover on it. Cause ye aftter...
  13. tallguy64

    47 gallon tank meets Geek

    Here are some pics finaly, nothing fancy should be getting some live rock this weekend. Hopeing the micro bubles will stop soon i really dont feel like redoing my sump again but im gonna give it a week or soo. And my master piece, well i guess theres better out there but for 60 who can beat...
  14. tallguy64

    Canopy needed

    Front 3/4 I have two fans mounted in the hood that blow cool air in to help cool it a bit still playing around with them some. Hers is the lower corner, 2 1x2 butted up against each other to provide stability. A shot of the inside top, I have uper and lower 1x1 the upper is so that the top...
  15. tallguy64

    Canopy needed

    Ill post some pics of mine tommorow (my batt is chargeing), mine is over a 47gallon and i have to say was quite easy to build and i like how it turned out. Basicly all you need is a upper and lower frame (two big squares that are your length and width) figrue out what space you would need...
  16. tallguy64

    Canopy needed

    Just curious what kinda canopy are you looking for? Something to house lights in or just a cover? and can you clarify your dimentions a little more width heghts and depth or what not.
  17. tallguy64

    Well water usage

    Yes Thankyou for th great info.
  18. tallguy64

    Well water usage

    Just a question about CO2 in the water, so that plan that you posted that is basicly ment to replace the co2 by infuseing it with out side air?
  19. tallguy64

    Well water usage

    Lol what i meant, sorry it was late is that my output tds is at zero before my DI canister, which i guess is good, wasnt 100% awake when i wrote that sorry =) Ok so two more things, I noticed that when i was looking at new ro fillters they sell flow reducers, are thoose supposed to be located...
  20. tallguy64

    Well water usage

    Hey, soo im Very interested in this because i am too running off a well, And have a few questions about a few things (not tring to hijake the thread =P) So first At what average temp and what average PSI are RO fillters most efficeint? I have looked and looked for this everywhere but all i get...